marklogic-community / Corona

Community REST API for MarkLogic
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Allow corona-admin to configure default output format #73

Closed ryangrimm closed 12 years ago

ryangrimm commented 12 years ago

Currently when a output format can't be determined it default to outputting JSON. This obviously isn't what XML users are looking for and it would be nice if an admin could configure the default output format.

ryangrimm commented 12 years ago

This was initially proposed by Scott Stafford:

I'm using Excel web queries to pull data through Corona. If the endpoint is not found, by default Corona returns JSON. Excel barfs on JSON.

In /corona/misc/404.xqy, want to change the common:error function call to return xml instead of json. This might be a candidate to make this configurable by an admin user.

common:output(common:error("corona:ENDPOINT-NOT-FOUND", "Invalid endpoint. Check path and parameters for errors.", xdmp:get-request-field("outputFormat", "xml")))