marklogic-community / data-explorer

Data Explorer Tool
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Use of native modal dialogues instead of js alert/warn #109

Closed nlaprell closed 6 years ago

nlaprell commented 6 years ago

Replacing javascript alert/confirm functions with application modal dialogs.

cskeefer commented 6 years ago

In testing this I found that if you click the x at the upper right to get rid of the modal when adding a query (rather than the Ok button), you remain on the create query page rather than being directed back to the list of queries page. Then you are free to click to add the query again and then you see that a query with that name has already been added. I think we should probably remove the x link from this modal and the others (since the others where it might make sense have a No button as well)

Just a UI gripe, the action buttons in the modals dialogs take up the entire width of the modal so they are quite large. All of our other buttons in the app seem to be the sized based on the width of the button text.

nlaprell commented 6 years ago

I've removed the "X" link from the new modal dialogs as well as the Export to Csv dialog (which has it's own close button). I also removed the dialog footer buttons from justified groups so they appear sized to the text like the rest of the UI.