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SEC-PRIV errors upon trying to login #99

Closed josvanroosmalen closed 5 years ago

josvanroosmalen commented 6 years ago

The recent master after merging the CRUD branch is throwing SEC-PRIV errors in case of trying to login with the wizard/search user. Reported by @markschiffner and @cskeefer

josvanroosmalen commented 6 years ago

In progress now.

josvanroosmalen commented 6 years ago

Fixed in pull request #100 . Please close after merging

cskeefer commented 6 years ago

I'm still seeing the same issue with this branch. I did a fresh mldeploy with it and when logging in as either the wizard-user or search-user I'm getting SEC-PRIV:

2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice: SEC-PRIV: xdmp:passive-security-assert(("", "", "", ...), "execute") -- Need privilege: or or or or or or or or or or or or 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in /MarkLogic/admin.xqy, at 16081:2, 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in checkDbAllPriv(xs:unsignedLong("10424895981685925113")) [1.0-ml] 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $database-id = xs:unsignedLong("10424895981685925113") 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $dbPriv = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $frPriv = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $bakPriv = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $indPriv = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $repPriv = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $fbPriv = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $dbPrivId = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $frPrivId = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $bakPrivId = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $indPrivId = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $repPrivId = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $fbPrivId = "" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in /MarkLogic/admin.xqy, at 17420:25, 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in database-get-value(, xs:unsignedLong("10424895981685925113"), "db:security-database") [1.0-ml] 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $config = 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $database-id = xs:unsignedLong("10424895981685925113") 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $name = "db:security-database" 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in /MarkLogic/admin.xqy, at 6518:16, 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in admin:database-get-security-database(, xs:unsignedLong("10424895981685925113")) [1.0-ml] 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $config = 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $database-id = xs:unsignedLong("10424895981685925113") 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in /server/lib/check-user-lib.xqy, at 12:30, 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in check-user-lib:is-admin() [1.0-ml] 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in /server/lib/check-user-lib.xqy, at 39:40, 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in check-user-lib:is-search-user() [1.0-ml] 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $user-roles = (fn:doc("")/sec:role/sec:role-name, fn:doc("")/sec:role/sec:role-name, fn:doc("")/sec:role/sec:role-name, ...) 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+in /server/endpoints/api-check-templates.xqy, at 12:21 [1.0-ml] 2018-03-17 12:29:12.317 Notice:+ $templateExists = fn:false()

damonfeldman commented 6 years ago

@cskeefer is there a workaround?

cskeefer commented 6 years ago

@damonfeldman This looks good now. The only security-related issue I'm seeing now is addressed in #131

cskeefer commented 5 years ago

Closing since not an issue anymore