marklogic-community / marklogic-samplestack

A sample implementation of the MarkLogic Reference Architecture
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semantics - no results related to java tag? #697

Closed popzip closed 8 years ago

popzip commented 8 years ago

I'm wondering if the sequence of my actions is limiting my results unintentionally, or if there are in fact no tags/content related to "java".

-Clear all filters -Type java in tag selection box -Select Java -Hover over Java: No Related Tags in filtered results.

Is there a way to see if there are tags related to java in the unfiltered results? Is it searching for java AND related tag?

// @grechaw for implementation // @yawitz for intended interaction

grechaw commented 8 years ago

ill try to reproduce and get the sparql query out. Could be permissions (the no-results you see is consistent with a permissions issue). There were changes in 8.0-4 that affected permissions, and samplestack did special case permissions things.

popzip commented 8 years ago

Okay. FYI i get the same result whether logged in or not (though I realize you are likely looking at a separate set of permissions).

yawitz commented 8 years ago

The related tags should reflect the post-search, but pre-filter results. (In other words, the tags filter shadow result.) Given that you didn't enter a search string, the related tags should be based on the full, unfiltered data set. This sounds like a bug to me.

grechaw commented 8 years ago

I remember also we've had issues actually loading the RDF before.

grechaw commented 8 years ago

looks like there really are no related tags for java. Just something about the data dump that we have. You can verify with some other searches.

Something about the original search criteria for stack overflow and/or dbpedia caused this issue.

popzip commented 8 years ago

Thanks for checking. Might be worth looking into in the future to better understand our extract, but no need to dive in now.