marklogic-community / ml-rest-lib

An XQuery library designed to make it easier to develop and deploy RESTful web services on MarkLogic Server
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This repo should be shut down #6

Open sashamitrovich opened 7 years ago

sashamitrovich commented 7 years ago

It's older than the Mayan Apocalypse (which never happened), though newer than the Y2K bug. REST endpoint is meanwhile part of the product.

grechaw commented 7 years ago

Ironically, this is code in production, in the server now. Of course it's also maintained there...

patrickmcelwee commented 6 years ago

found a reference to this in a code comment, and it wasn't immediately clear how this related to what is in MarkLogic itself. Perhaps it shouldn't be shut down, but rather replaced with a link to the relevant MarkLogic docs