marklogic-community / slush-marklogic-node

Slush generator for a MarkLogic/node project
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additions/tweaks to documentation #291

Open patrickmcelwee opened 8 years ago

patrickmcelwee commented 8 years ago

These are basically my stream-of-consciousness notes while going through installation with an SE:

  1. document in README how to set up mlcp: where to install and how to change mlcp_home
  2. make the initial landing page leaner, with directions on how to edit that file and suggestions for first steps - the links are a nice compilation that should live somewhere, but I think we want something much leaner for someone who, after all, is trying to build something. Something simple and geared to beginners, like the Rails landing page: 'How to change this page', for example.
  3. link to the wiki for further documentation on this simplified landing page
grtjn commented 8 years ago

+1 on all this, I like the sound of this a lot. There is useful stuff on that landing page, but focussing it more on how to get 'rolling' feels much better than just flooding new users with a lot of links.

I'd also like if there would be a few generic stat kind of things on the landing page. Very generic counts on node types, root elements, collections, dirs. And/or maybe something about the machine(s) behind the demo, like ML version, architecture, nr cores, mem, nr forests, etc. Stuff that would work for every demo, and give actual use to the landing page, so people will be less inclined to get rid of it first..

patrickmcelwee commented 8 years ago

Those sound like great additions, Geert. I'd be happy to take a first stab, though I'm sure I will need help pulling all those extra stats in.

patrickmcelwee commented 8 years ago

We discussed having some common elements, but also a high degree of customization between the various UI themes currently being developed

grtjn commented 8 years ago

See also #309, #310, #311..

grtjn commented 8 years ago

I think we need to split this into specific issues once it has crystallized..

popzip commented 8 years ago

I keep hitting this and forgetting...added here for searchability within the repository: I had to add mlcp-home=/YOUR/PATH/mlcp-8.0-4 to deploy/

It's listed in the wiki which unfortunately doesn't turn up when I search the repo.

grtjn commented 8 years ago

@popzip, I just symlink from /usr/local/mlcp to the appropriate path. Much easier.. :)

grtjn commented 8 years ago

And yes, it would be nice if Github would provide a wiki search feature..

grtjn commented 7 years ago

I made a lot of improvements to README, and added a few links to the landing page. I think we need to refresh this ticket, but the general thought of moving the many links away from the landing page still stands..