marklogic / marklogic-geo-data-services

Geo Data Services supporting Esri Koop Provider and WFS (future)
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ObjectIds parameter is not considered while aggregation #102

Closed mitchshepherd closed 1 year ago

mitchshepherd commented 1 year ago

Connector code is skipping objectIds parameter while aggregation. Hence it returns the count for all documents in a layer.

URL : /marklogic/GDeltGKG/FeatureServer/0/query?objectIds=56577%2C56576&returnCountOnly=true Actual Result : 38765 Expected Result : 2

Copied issue from koop-provider-marklogic by jmamanpara commented on Apr 13, 2018

BillFarber commented 1 year ago

To try this out with our current setup in the "develop" branch, you need change the ML port in default.json to 8096 and restart the node server. The try http://localhost/marklogic/GDeltGKG/FeatureServer/0/query?objectIds=56577%2C56576&returnCountOnly=true

BillFarber commented 1 year ago

Rob pointed out that instead of changing default.json, you run the Node server with: npm run start-no-auth Then use this link to see the query: http://localhost:8090/marklogic/GDeltGKG/FeatureServer/0/query?objectIds=56577%2C56576&returnCountOnly=true

rjrudin commented 1 year ago

Resolved via #118