Open grtjn opened 2 months ago
Ok, it looks like marklogic-geo-data-services-modules 1.3.x is taken down, and 1.4.0 was moved to marklogic-geo-data-services (without -modules). Using marklogic-geo-data-services:1.4.0 gives me a different error. Due to other legacy dependencies, we are still stuck on JDK 11, and now there seems to be a dependency on some version of jackson-core that requires a more recent Java?
Ok, another confusion.. the jackson-core messages seems to have come from marklogic-unit-test:1.4.0. Downgrading that made that go away. I am now pulling an older version of marklogic-geo-data-services-modules from a local copy of the jar, using mavenLocal() just to be sure it still works as before. I pulled that jar from cache from my laptop.
You definitely only need Java 8. Your initial error is what you indicated - < 1.4.0 was only available on JCenter, which is gone now. So you need to use 1.4.0 GDS.
What error are you getting now?
We have been using 1.3.3(-beta) for a long while without issues, but I suspect we had this dependency in cache somewhere. We are now trying to run deployment from a clean env, and are trying to get auto-building from clean envs working as well, and hitting the following message:
I also tried 1.3.4 and even 1.4.0, but none seem to work, making me suspect this change came after the release of 1.4.0. The latest version mvnrepository seems to be reporting is 1.3.4, and it points to JCenter, which was taken down a while ago.