Closed app4soft closed 7 months ago
Sadly I could not find this version neither in the Internet Archive nor on one of my backups. But I still have 3.4 sources from the old website. I uploaded them at
Listing archive: Freeship+3.4_Delphi_source.RAR
Path = Freeship+3.4_Delphi_source.RAR
Type = Rar
Physical Size = 2183296
Solid = -
Blocks = 227
Multivolume = -
Volumes = 1
Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2008-11-05 22:12:28 ....A 51 51 Forms/Free2DDXFExportDlg.ddp
2008-11-05 22:20:20 ....A 3279 1368 Forms/Free2DDXFExportDlg.dfm
2008-11-05 22:31:26 ....A 8362 2268 Forms/Free2DDXFExportDlg.pas
2008-07-23 23:51:16 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeAddMassOutputDlg.ddp
2009-11-26 15:32:58 ....A 23189 2684 Forms/FreeAddMassOutputDlg.dfm
2011-04-17 16:42:48 ....A 36992 4443 Forms/FreeAddMassOutputDlg.pas
2006-02-17 12:04:48 ....A 2146 892 Forms/FreeBackgroundBlendingDlg.dfm
2006-02-20 09:59:16 ....A 4439 1220 Forms/FreeBackgroundBlendingDlg.pas
2011-12-22 00:33:35 ....A 8704 910 Forms/FreeControlPointFrm.dfm
2012-12-07 01:51:36 ....A 26300 3172 Forms/FreeControlPointFrm.pas
2010-01-23 22:12:40 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeCrosscurvesDlg.ddp
2012-05-20 16:41:59 ....A 48926 3850 Forms/FreeCrosscurvesDlg.dfm
2012-11-29 01:35:09 ....A 55640 9771 Forms/FreeCrosscurvesDlg.pas
2006-03-01 16:08:34 ....A 3572 1060 Forms/FreeCylinderDlg.dfm
2006-03-01 15:52:34 ....A 6232 1376 Forms/FreeCylinderDlg.pas
2008-03-30 20:37:42 ....A 91277 7763 Forms/FreeExpanedPlatesDlg.dfm
2006-04-20 11:31:38 ....A 37685 5919 Forms/FreeExpanedPlatesDlg.pas
2006-02-11 18:06:00 ....A 2532 928 Forms/FreeExtrudeDlg.dfm
2006-02-07 17:08:34 ....A 7986 1630 Forms/FreeExtrudeDlg.pas
2006-02-20 15:45:46 ....A 48153 5170 Forms/FreeHullformWindow.dfm
2006-03-07 11:33:00 ....A 27092 4849 Forms/FreeHullformWindow.pas
2009-09-24 14:39:04 ....A 46143 2853 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_ManeuvDlg.dfm
2012-01-24 10:51:56 ....A 32209 5449 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_ManeuvDlg.pas
2010-10-27 15:44:58 ....A 49191 3317 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_RVRSDlg.dfm
2013-01-17 21:12:36 ....A 34234 5448 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_RVRSDlg.pas
2011-12-21 16:47:40 ....A 44015 3041 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task1Dlg.dfm
2011-12-21 21:48:28 ....A 28397 5361 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task1Dlg.pas
2007-03-30 19:40:44 ....A 5455 995 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsdlg.dfm
2006-02-07 17:12:56 ....A 4986 1382 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsdlg.pas
2008-07-24 21:55:38 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsFrm.ddp
2008-07-24 20:59:34 ....A 2392 863 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsFrm.dfm
2012-01-16 23:00:44 ....A 14866 2692 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsFrm.pas
2007-03-30 19:50:28 ....A 6019 1139 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsResultsDlg.dfm
2006-02-07 19:20:32 ....A 9121 2228 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsResultsDlg.pas
2011-09-14 21:49:46 ....A 2917 1098 Forms/FreeInsertPlaneDlg.dfm
2005-10-05 06:49:34 ....A 7119 1618 Forms/FreeInsertPlaneDlg.pas
2005-12-31 08:41:10 ....A 32773 2745 Forms/FreeIntersectionDlg.dfm
2006-03-07 11:30:08 ....A 14606 2690 Forms/FreeIntersectionDlg.pas
2006-01-11 11:03:44 ....A 4289 941 Forms/FreeIntersectLayerDlg.dfm
2006-01-11 11:08:54 ....A 6367 1489 Forms/FreeIntersectLayerDlg.pas
2009-02-15 19:41:22 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeKeelWizardDlg.ddp
2009-01-25 22:48:14 ....A 30798 3615 Forms/FreeKeelWizardDlg.dfm
2011-04-17 21:12:48 ....A 94215 17384 Forms/FreeKeelWizardDlg.pas
2006-03-12 22:01:28 ....A 7622 1891 Forms/FreeLackenbyDlg.dfm
2012-01-12 10:48:57 ....A 40987 6210 Forms/FreeLackenbyDlg.pas
2008-04-06 21:26:04 ....A 18552 2684 Forms/FreeLayerDlg.dfm
2011-05-29 15:39:44 ....A 21649 3460 Forms/FreeLayerDlg.pas
2006-01-30 08:52:06 ....A 833 371 Forms/FreeLinesplanFrm.dfm
2005-08-06 08:17:18 ....A 3188 993 Forms/FreeLinesplanFrm.pas
2006-03-29 09:31:10 ....A 43367 3924 Forms/FreeLinesplanFrme.dfm
2011-06-01 09:51:54 ....A 70981 8612 Forms/FreeLinesplanFrme.pas
2008-07-06 01:44:46 ....A 54785 10923 Forms/FreeMichletOutputDlg.dfm
2010-07-04 16:58:20 ....A 46848 6584 Forms/FreeMichletOutputDlg.pas
2006-02-14 10:08:24 ....A 5145 1120 Forms/FreeMirrorPlaneDlg.dfm
2005-11-16 00:50:52 ....A 4618 1244 Forms/FreeMirrorPlaneDlg.pas
2006-02-14 10:11:46 ....A 5562 1050 Forms/FreeNewModelDlg.dfm
2005-10-05 06:44:46 ....A 6360 1457 Forms/FreeNewModelDlg.pas
2006-02-18 17:59:58 ....A 16631 2001 Forms/FreePreferencesDlg.dfm
2006-03-07 11:30:44 ....A 16336 2056 Forms/FreePreferencesDlg.pas
2010-11-21 16:43:06 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeProjectSettingsDlg.ddp
2012-05-17 17:28:37 ....A 18743 2259 Forms/FreeProjectSettingsDlg.dfm
2012-05-17 16:53:07 ....A 23501 2459 Forms/FreeProjectSettingsDlg.pas
2010-10-27 15:44:22 ....A 48169 3232 Forms/FreePropeller_Task1Dlg.dfm
2013-03-31 16:34:11 ....A 36945 5791 Forms/FreePropeller_Task1Dlg.pas
2013-01-14 18:28:27 ....A 51053 2955 Forms/FreePropeller_Task2Dlg.dfm
2013-03-31 15:20:17 ....A 47729 7590 Forms/FreePropeller_Task2Dlg.pas
2007-12-18 17:14:36 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreePropeller_Task3Dlg.ddp
2013-01-14 18:47:42 ....A 62620 3222 Forms/FreePropeller_Task3Dlg.dfm
2013-02-24 21:48:10 ....A 40578 5989 Forms/FreePropeller_Task3Dlg.pas
2011-05-22 12:46:12 ....A 47198 3221 Forms/FreePropeller_Task4Dlg.dfm
2011-05-22 13:49:22 ....A 30018 5493 Forms/FreePropeller_Task4Dlg.pas
2013-03-16 23:06:02 ....A 43111 3172 Forms/FreePropeller_Task5Dlg.dfm
2013-03-18 01:44:06 ....A 37620 6070 Forms/FreePropeller_Task5Dlg.pas
2010-11-03 23:14:16 ....A 24028 3176 Forms/FreeResistance_DelftDlg.dfm
2012-11-05 20:33:04 ....A 65987 9912 Forms/FreeResistance_DelftDlg.pas
2011-12-10 22:24:33 ....A 34011 4430 Forms/FreeResistance_HollenDlg.dfm
2013-01-23 00:28:18 ....A 83184 11516 Forms/FreeResistance_HollenDlg.pas
2009-09-24 14:26:56 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeResistance_HoltrDlg.ddp
2011-01-18 14:13:30 ....A 33967 4445 Forms/FreeResistance_HoltrDlg.dfm
2013-01-24 21:39:22 ....A 93049 13703 Forms/FreeResistance_HoltrDlg.pas
2007-03-12 23:54:34 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeResistance_KaperDlg.ddp
2010-10-27 14:14:48 ....A 43140 2855 Forms/FreeResistance_KaperDlg.dfm
2009-09-18 22:52:10 ....A 32732 5050 Forms/FreeResistance_KaperDlg.pas
2012-07-01 17:47:43 ....A 33938 4548 Forms/FreeResistance_OortmerDlg.dfm
2013-01-23 00:28:52 ....A 87058 12049 Forms/FreeResistance_OortmerDlg.pas
2011-01-18 14:11:06 ....A 36019 4612 Forms/FreeResistance_OSTDlg.dfm
2013-01-24 21:24:04 ....A 108485 13742 Forms/FreeResistance_OSTDlg.pas
2012-01-15 14:38:28 ....A 52521 3251 Forms/FreeResistance_PlaningDlg.dfm
2013-01-11 18:15:29 ....A 110685 15396 Forms/FreeResistance_PlaningDlg.pas
2005-11-16 12:34:44 ....A 2164 795 Forms/FreeRotateDlg.dfm
2006-02-07 18:43:14 ....A 7112 1559 Forms/FreeRotateDlg.pas
2006-03-12 21:47:58 ....A 3025 1134 Forms/FreeSaveImageDlg.dfm
2006-03-12 21:47:58 ....A 7690 1790 Forms/FreeSaveImageDlg.pas
2006-02-15 11:32:04 ....A 4303 957 Forms/FreeSelectLayersDlg.dfm
2006-01-11 14:32:00 ....A 10548 2256 Forms/FreeSelectLayersDlg.pas
2013-01-14 15:45:46 ....A 76882 69257 Forms/FreeSplashWndw.dfm
2011-12-27 15:13:32 ....A 7020 1851 Forms/FreeSplashWndw.pas
2006-02-15 10:34:30 ....A 4911 1164 Forms/FreeUndoHistoryDlg.dfm
2006-01-21 00:43:40 ....A 5949 1662 Forms/FreeUndoHistoryDlg.pas
2009-11-01 14:17:04 ....A 51 51 Forms/Main.ddp
2012-11-22 23:54:18 ....A 187041 21028 Forms/Main.dfm
2012-11-23 02:39:54 ....A 78947 8411 Forms/Main.pas
2013-01-14 02:06:31 ....A 185788 34852 Languages/Czech.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:32 ....A 188907 34624 Languages/Deutsch.ini
2013-03-31 16:53:29 ....A 188388 33246 Languages/English.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:33 ....A 190043 34488 Languages/Francais.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:34 ....A 186637 33991 Languages/Nederlands.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:35 ....A 185307 34145 Languages/Norsk(forbedringer behшves).ini
2013-03-31 16:29:28 ....A 191382 35036 Languages/Russian.ini
2013-03-12 22:05:10 ....A 196329 35209 Languages/Spanish.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:36 ....A 186526 34616 Languages/Suomi.ini
2013-03-31 16:42:56 ....A 189878 35304 Languages/Ukrainian.ini
2006-03-05 22:57:48 ....A 530 271 Packages/FreePackage.cfg
2006-03-05 22:57:48 ....A 2233 1064 Packages/FreePackage.dof
2006-02-04 16:54:36 ....A 1232 549 Packages/FreePackage.dpk
2006-03-06 21:01:26 ....A 8262 1900 Packages/FreePackage.dsk
2005-10-19 00:32:36 ....A 1536 708 Packages/FreePackage.res
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 8077 4456 Units/FasterList.dcu
2006-03-06 17:57:56 ....A 17832 3382 Units/FasterList.pas
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 367522 144010 Units/FreeGeometry.dcu
2013-03-31 23:10:58 ....A 653569 72711 Units/FreeGeometry.pas
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 12597 6122 Units/FreeIGESUnit.dcu
2009-12-29 23:35:36 ....A 20390 3988 Units/FreeIGESUnit.pas
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 8112 4157 Units/FreeLanguageSupport.dcu
2012-11-05 20:27:39 ....A 10460 2658 Units/FreeLanguageSupport.pas
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 15289 7233 Units/FreeMatrices.dcu
2011-04-17 16:34:24 ....A 21288 3170 Units/FreeMatrices.pas
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 22358 10291 Units/FreeNumInput.dcu
2006-03-06 21:36:10 ....A 19550 4421 Units/FreeNumInput.pas
2005-05-26 03:15:36 ....A 1720 581 Units/FreeShipUnit.dcr
2013-03-31 21:35:28 ....A 485086 157600 Units/FreeShipUnit.dcu
2013-03-31 23:22:30 ....A 792896 81489 Units/FreeShipUnit.pas
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 1040 631 Units/FreeStringsUnit.dcu
2012-11-05 20:26:29 ....A 651 258 Units/FreeStringsUnit.pas
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 4047 1629 Units/FreeVersionUnit.dcu
2013-03-31 16:56:49 ....A 4752 1227 Units/FreeVersionUnit.pas
2006-02-04 21:32:08 ....A 82700 19783 Units/MemCheck.pas
2006-02-13 13:26:38 ....A 2880 670 Units/ViewportCursors.res
2013-03-31 21:35:27 ....A 17623 8631 Units/VRMLUnit.dcu
2010-11-28 15:54:52 ....A 23619 4278 Units/VRMLUnit.pas
2013-03-31 22:09:13 ....A 61954 13563 WhatsnewRU.txt
2013-03-31 22:25:18 ....A 58363 12404 Whatsnew.txt
2005-06-07 10:56:16 ....A 15079 5724 GNU General Public License (GPL).txt
2012-11-09 00:37:34 ....A 11575 1814 FreeShip.dpr
2006-04-21 20:51:26 ....A 9006 1872 FreeShip.dsk
2006-03-01 06:24:04 ....A 4396 2513 FreeShip.res
2009-07-18 16:31:36 ....A 3790 576 FreeShip.identcache
2008-04-10 17:45:28 ....A 2577 1249 FreeShip.dof
2009-11-30 23:51:32 ....A 1194 310 FreeShip.dta
2009-12-01 11:22:57 D.... 0 0 Forms
2009-12-01 11:23:09 D.... 0 0 Languages
2009-12-01 11:22:14 D.... 0 0 Packages
2009-12-01 11:22:15 D.... 0 0 Units
2013-01-14 02:06:36 ....A 193751 33485 Languages/Vietnamese.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:33 ....A 186520 33605 Languages/Italiano.ini
2011-12-10 22:30:09 ....A 33629 4418 Forms/FreeResistance_FungLeibDlg.dfm
2010-12-20 18:44:44 ....A 2597 869 Forms/FreeRotateDlg_.dfm
2011-01-09 00:18:54 ....A 2741 917 Forms/FreeRotateDlgM.dfm
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 8550 4214 Forms/Free2DDXFExportDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:31 ....A 31336 10830 Forms/FreeAddMassOutputDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:29 ....A 5446 2346 Forms/FreeBackgroundBlendingDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 20005 5998 Forms/FreeControlPointFrm.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 49508 18312 Forms/FreeCrosscurvesDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 6664 2697 Forms/FreeCylinderDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 31920 11817 Forms/FreeExpanedPlatesDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 8837 3545 Forms/FreeExtrudeDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:34 ....A 25370 9603 Forms/FreeHullformWindow.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 30464 10432 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_ManeuvDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 31093 10765 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_RvrsDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 28102 10642 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task1Dlg.dcu
2011-12-20 22:26:20 ....A 26165 10004 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task2Dlg.dcu
2011-12-20 22:26:20 ....A 26390 9391 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task3Dlg.dcu
2011-12-20 22:26:20 ....A 26374 9375 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task4Dlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 5903 2559 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsdlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 14779 5595 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsFrm.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 10313 4750 Forms/FreeHydrostaticsResultsDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:31 ....A 7682 3163 Forms/FreeInsertPlaneDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 13865 5349 Forms/FreeIntersectionDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 6715 2785 Forms/FreeIntersectLayerDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 76510 38570 Forms/FreeKeelWizardDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 31720 12831 Forms/FreeLackenbyDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 20025 7869 Forms/FreeLayerDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:31 ....A 3925 1628 Forms/FreeLinesplanFrm.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:31 ....A 55982 17465 Forms/FreeLinesplanFrme.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:31 ....A 42355 13676 Forms/FreeMichletOutputDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 5491 2406 Forms/FreeMirrorPlaneDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 7671 2997 Forms/FreeNewModelDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 14524 4653 Forms/FreePreferencesDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 20406 6512 Forms/FreeProjectSettingsDlg.dcu
2008-06-11 13:34:14 ....A 32193 10680 Forms/FreePropeller_RvrsDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 34606 12202 Forms/FreePropeller_Task1Dlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 46611 14613 Forms/FreePropeller_Task2Dlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 38284 11953 Forms/FreePropeller_Task3Dlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 27987 10314 Forms/FreePropeller_Task4Dlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 23214 9044 Forms/FreePropeller_Task5Dlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:31 ....A 62516 22595 Forms/FreeResistance_DelftDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 79810 25815 Forms/FreeResistance_FungLeibDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 82008 25412 Forms/FreeResistance_HollenDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 94369 29979 Forms/FreeResistance_HoltrDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:31 ....A 30998 10807 Forms/FreeResistance_KaperDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 79208 25662 Forms/FreeResistance_OortmerDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 113344 31634 Forms/FreeResistance_OSTDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:32 ....A 106412 29959 Forms/FreeResistance_PlaningDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 7961 3189 Forms/FreeRotateDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:30 ....A 8287 3331 Forms/FreeRotateDlgM.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:29 ....A 8655 3626 Forms/FreeSaveImageDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 9758 4292 Forms/FreeSelectLayersDlg.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 7308 3451 Forms/FreeSplashWndw.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:33 ....A 7376 3175 Forms/FreeUndoHistoryDlg.dcu
2007-02-24 16:19:38 ....A 827 611 Forms/FSfor.dcu
2012-01-24 10:43:34 ....A 71736 22888 Forms/Main.dcu
2007-06-04 23:34:12 ....A 1652 551 Forms/fortlib_.pas
2013-01-23 00:29:15 ....A 81900 11583 Forms/FreeResistance_FungLeibDlg.pas
2011-01-09 00:07:04 ....A 7588 1607 Forms/FreeRotateDlgM.pas
2010-12-10 20:29:40 ....A 50150 20626 Units/MemCheck.dcu
2011-09-14 20:41:50 ....A 51 51 Forms/FreeInsertPlaneDlg.ddp
2013-03-12 21:58:42 ....A 158748 41742 Languages/Chinese.ini
2011-12-20 22:50:43 ....A 46089 2844 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task2Dlg.dfm
2011-12-20 22:50:58 ....A 46089 2847 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task3Dlg.dfm
2011-12-20 22:53:12 ....A 46057 2827 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task4Dlg.dfm
2012-11-10 13:48:29 ....A 36148 4255 Forms/FreeResistance_MHDlg.dfm
2012-11-09 17:07:11 ....A 35963 4287 Forms/FreeResistance_RBHSDLG.dfm
2011-12-20 23:54:52 ....A 28208 4428 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task2Dlg.pas
2011-12-20 23:55:25 ....A 28201 4428 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task3Dlg.pas
2011-12-20 23:51:59 ....A 27062 4166 Forms/FreeHydrodyn_Task4Dlg.pas
2013-01-23 00:34:44 ....A 99870 13046 Forms/FreeResistance_MHDlg.pas
2013-01-23 00:33:49 ....A 97286 12506 Forms/FreeResistance_RBHSDLG.pas
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2013-03-31 23:22:30 10541101 2169216 223 files, 4 folders
The binary might be interesting, too, for the misc. calculation EXE programs.
Listing archive: Freeship+340_full_EN.rar
Path = Freeship+340_full_EN.rar
Type = Rar
Physical Size = 31268116
Solid = -
Blocks = 216
Multivolume = -
Volumes = 1
Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2011-03-22 09:11:22 ....A 41204 6983 Freeship/BD/RESIST1.BD
2011-03-22 09:11:22 ....A 35416 5358 Freeship/BD/RESIST2.BD
2011-03-22 09:11:22 ....A 33488 5367 Freeship/BD/RESIST3.BD
2011-03-22 09:11:22 ....A 109038 16217 Freeship/BD/RESIST4.BD
2006-01-03 00:57:12 ....A 696832 681793 Freeship/Engines/DBFview.exe
2007-12-18 00:41:44 ....A 22836 1321 Freeship/Engines/History.ini
2007-10-30 11:17:34 ....A 7073 3071 Freeship/Engines/Language.ini
2007-08-18 14:02:20 ....A 279 237 Freeship/Engines/Settings.ini
2007-08-15 01:04:50 ....A 18969 3317 Freeship/Engines/StartUp/1_DIESELs.DBF
2007-08-17 00:22:56 ....A 4914 1048 Freeship/Engines/StartUp/2_MAN_LowSpeedEngines.dbf
2007-08-17 00:26:18 ....A 2571 609 Freeship/Engines/StartUp/3_MAN_MediumSpeedEngines.dbf
2007-08-15 00:47:18 ....A 8207 1099 Freeship/Engines/StartUp/4_Asynchronus_ED.dbf
2007-08-15 01:22:46 ....A 2155 572 Freeship/Engines/StartUp/5_PostKoll.dbf
2007-08-15 01:25:30 ....A 3897 713 Freeship/Engines/StartUp/6_Hydromotor.dbf
2002-06-02 10:49:38 ....A 476 230 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/DosLower.dbf_
2004-01-30 17:10:46 ....A 524 247 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/DosToWin1.dbf_
2004-01-30 17:10:46 ....A 524 247 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/DosToWin2.dbf_
2002-06-02 10:49:38 ....A 476 230 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/DosUpper.dbf_
2005-01-16 15:27:58 ....A 457 224 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/WinLower.dbf_
2004-01-30 17:04:44 ....A 524 247 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/WinToDos.dbf_
2005-07-08 22:24:42 ....A 307 169 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/WinToTranslit.dbf_
2005-01-16 15:24:40 ....A 457 224 Freeship/Engines/Xlat/WinUpper.dbf_
2011-09-27 20:15:40 ....A 110606 108966 Freeship/Exec/ADD_MASS.EXE
2011-10-09 23:47:31 ....A 99342 97836 Freeship/Exec/HOLLENBH.EXE
2012-11-24 12:14:30 ....A 326670 130085 Freeship/Exec/hship.EXE
2011-12-06 17:22:05 ....A 45568 43766 Freeship/Exec/Ishercof.exe
2011-03-22 08:11:24 ....A 262144 106415 Freeship/Exec/ManeuvPP.EXE
2013-01-14 00:42:42 ....A 239630 103876 Freeship/Exec/OORTMERS.EXE
2011-03-22 08:11:24 ....A 257536 106751 Freeship/Exec/PowerPrd.EXE
2011-03-22 08:11:24 ....A 50496 23837 Freeship/Exec/PROPOL.EXE
2011-03-22 08:11:24 ....A 264192 111347 Freeship/Exec/PropPred.EXE
2012-07-12 13:30:58 ....A 445904 184472 Freeship/Exec/RVRSSHIP.EXE
2010-04-25 19:24:44 ....A 516 263 Freeship/FreeShip.dta
2013-03-31 21:35:28 ....A 3284992 882958 Freeship/FreeShip.exe
2005-06-07 11:56:16 ....A 15079 5724 Freeship/GNU General Public License (GPL).txt
2013-01-14 02:06:31 ....A 185788 34852 Freeship/Languages/Czech.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:32 ....A 188907 34624 Freeship/Languages/Deutsch.ini
2013-03-31 16:53:29 ....A 188388 33246 Freeship/Languages/English.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:33 ....A 190043 34488 Freeship/Languages/Francais.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:34 ....A 186637 33991 Freeship/Languages/Nederlands.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:35 ....A 185307 34145 Freeship/Languages/Norsk(forbedringer behшves).ini
2008-05-29 19:01:24 ....A 47812 11685 Freeship/Languages/RusForDelftship3_1.ini
2013-03-31 16:29:28 ....A 191382 35036 Freeship/Languages/Russian.ini
2013-03-12 22:05:10 ....A 196329 35209 Freeship/Languages/Spanish.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:36 ....A 186526 34616 Freeship/Languages/Suomi.ini
2006-02-25 18:36:28 ....A 434688 180671 Freeship/Languages/Synchronize.exe
2013-03-31 16:42:56 ....A 189878 35304 Freeship/Languages/Ukrainian.ini
2006-04-20 21:09:26 ....A 3415523 3123032 Freeship/Manuals/Manual.pdf
2011-02-23 00:47:54 ....A 2401075 2367244 Freeship/Manuals/ManualRU.pdf
2011-02-23 00:48:02 ....A 2663877 2317714 Freeship/Manuals/ManualUA.pdf
2010-04-25 19:23:52 ....A 72 72 Freeship/Manuals/ReadMe1st.txt
2007-06-27 22:21:46 ....A 75 53 Freeship/RESIST.CNF
2008-11-11 11:59:00 ....A 35440 31430 Freeship/Ships/730.fbm
2009-03-23 22:13:46 ....A 104829 66845 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 1.fbm
2005-12-28 19:53:50 ....A 50298 33044 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 2.fbm
2007-12-06 22:53:34 ....A 74190 55472 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 2_H.fbm
2008-03-31 01:44:12 ....A 70416 50433 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+deck+gruz+Zg.fbm
2008-03-30 18:45:32 ....A 71093 51740 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+deck+gruz.fbm
2008-04-22 17:53:12 ....A 70037 50215 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+deck+gruz_man.fbm
2009-12-01 09:59:42 ....A 63705 30231 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+deck+heel30.fbm
2008-02-07 15:16:16 ....A 126467 92053 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+deck.fbm
2008-04-26 22:13:22 ....A 125306 90963 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+deck_RVRSdemo.fbm
2008-05-19 18:09:24 ....A 70398 50486 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+Hollenbach.fbm
2009-11-02 20:12:18 ....A 70473 50049 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+RVRSdemo.fbm
2006-12-14 20:42:16 ....A 67568 44538 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3.fbm
2007-10-10 00:26:40 ....A 88343 63979 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3_.fbm
2007-12-06 23:42:02 ....A 89047 64431 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3_H&O.fbm
2008-05-28 17:30:48 ....A 88787 64419 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3_H&O_84.fbm
2005-10-31 17:53:40 ....A 60325 40978 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 4.fbm
2008-04-27 00:54:56 ....A 78095 57061 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 4_RvrsDemo.fbm
2006-02-15 21:46:58 ....A 87047 57998 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 5.fbm
2007-12-18 16:03:44 ....A 90489 60657 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 5_.fbm
2007-12-18 01:28:22 ....A 90402 60246 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 5_1.fbm
2008-06-27 16:22:48 ....A 86342 70644 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 6.fbm
2007-11-27 20:15:08 ....A 71495 58021 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 6_.fbm
2007-11-27 03:31:58 ....A 89449 71748 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 7+kil.fbm
2009-02-14 02:21:22 ....A 61702 54984 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 7.fbm
2006-04-19 11:00:40 ....A 60390 53047 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 8.fbm
2007-03-05 15:20:18 ....A 64170 56040 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 8_.fbm
2005-12-02 22:14:18 ....A 27889 22833 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo tug.fbm
2006-12-14 20:53:10 ....A 35922 29611 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat.fbm
2008-02-09 09:45:16 ....A 58963 50684 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat2.fbm
2009-10-06 01:11:06 ....A 60718 52329 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat3.fbm
2009-03-21 11:36:12 ....A 63970 54158 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat_imp.fbm
2008-11-17 12:02:06 ....A 19456 2000 Freeship/Ships/Database/OUT.GEO
2009-03-19 13:43:24 ....A 22016 16307 Freeship/Ships/Database/Savitsky_imperial.fbm
2009-03-21 11:59:58 ....A 25384 19464 Freeship/Ships/Database/Savitsky_metric.fbm
2008-09-24 21:08:08 ....A 80973 61734 Freeship/Ships/ellipsoid321.fbm
2009-07-13 11:24:00 ....A 1755318 309819 Freeship/Ships/From multisurf/Dragger1.WRL
2008-04-05 17:00:10 ....A 109853 53355 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/27mpatrol.fbm
2008-04-05 16:36:26 ....A 77714 18968 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/27mpatrol.WRL
2008-04-05 17:23:22 ....A 268950 69932 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/35mtug.fbm
2008-04-05 16:37:42 ....A 303334 29008 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/35mtug.WRL
2008-04-05 17:26:56 ....A 268760 71031 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/35mtug_LB.fbm
2008-04-05 17:35:02 ....A 115297 57109 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/50dragger.fbm
2008-04-05 16:38:40 ....A 77543 20070 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/50dragger.WRL
2008-04-05 17:41:38 ....A 103119 44330 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/70ktanker.fbm
2008-04-05 16:39:10 ....A 78673 17317 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/70ktanker.WRL
2008-04-05 17:52:18 ....A 189067 69069 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/Auxiliary.fbm
2008-04-05 16:39:36 ....A 156670 28565 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/Auxiliary.WRL
2008-04-05 16:40:42 ....A 79061 19078 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/cont.WRL
2008-04-05 16:40:06 ....A 78458 19189 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/cont2.WRL
2008-04-05 16:41:08 ....A 79061 19078 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/containerships2.WRL
2008-04-05 18:00:12 ....A 168669 49165 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/Ferries.fbm
2008-04-05 16:41:54 ....A 156242 25427 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/Ferries.WRL
2008-07-08 22:37:10 ....A 99233 9821 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/OUT.GEO
2008-04-05 18:17:30 ....A 176220 55985 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/vlcc300k.fbm
2008-04-05 16:42:20 ....A 156678 22855 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/vlcc300k.WRL
2008-04-05 18:23:20 ....A 169875 54235 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/Workboat.fbm
2008-04-05 16:42:42 ....A 155674 27022 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship/Workboat.WRL
2008-02-19 00:11:54 ....A 263346 90158 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/BigTanker.fbm
2008-02-19 00:03:20 ....A 811585 121518 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/BigTanker.wrl
2008-02-18 22:37:12 ....A 176141 101240 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Containership-130m.fbm
2008-04-06 01:52:26 ....A 174154 89281 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Containership-150m.fbm
2008-02-18 22:11:02 ....A 128982 65667 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Containership.fbm
2008-02-18 21:32:04 ....A 324658 59190 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Containership.wrl
2008-02-18 23:38:28 ....A 405068 71863 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Containership1.wrl
2008-02-18 23:49:28 ....A 286597 65003 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Containership2.wrl
2008-02-19 00:47:26 ....A 185706 100058 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Containership_2.fbm
2008-02-19 00:00:12 ....A 47016 8560 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Fast ferry.wrl
2008-02-18 23:56:24 ....A 79847 15204 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Fishing boat50ft.wrl
2008-02-19 00:00:52 ....A 208092 36392 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/NavalAuxiliary.wrl
2008-02-18 23:53:30 ....A 310154 55088 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Patrolboat.wrl
2008-02-18 23:59:18 ....A 132273 24640 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Planing ship 2.wrl
2008-02-18 23:59:42 ....A 159455 27429 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Planing ship 3.wrl
2008-02-19 00:02:40 ....A 108523 20887 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Planing ship 4.wrl
2008-02-18 23:58:52 ....A 179918 30824 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Planing ship.wrl
2008-04-06 02:51:16 ....A 86181 55992 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/RacingCatamaran.fbm
2008-02-19 00:01:32 ....A 258041 41589 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/RacingCatamaran.wrl
2008-11-13 22:22:32 ....A 260 131 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/RESIST.dat
2008-11-13 22:22:32 ....A 1040 373 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/RESISTp.dat
2008-02-18 23:52:58 ....A 50079 10520 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Sailboat.wrl
2008-02-18 23:54:24 ....A 68790 14735 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Sailboat_30ft.wrl
2008-02-19 00:02:16 ....A 332706 59232 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Ship Forebody.wrl
2008-02-18 23:58:18 ....A 405555 69483 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Tanker-300000.wrl
2008-02-18 23:57:48 ....A 259753 43498 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Tanker-70000.wrl
2009-04-09 22:55:04 ....A 88090 45970 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Tugboat 35m.fbm
2008-02-18 23:55:34 ....A 268329 37725 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Tugboat 35m.wrl
2009-04-09 22:46:26 ....A 65666 39423 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Workboat 70m.fbm
2008-02-18 23:56:56 ....A 135026 21369 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino/Workboat 70m.wrl
2009-10-20 00:13:46 ....A 92380 61449 Freeship/Ships/Parent 22_Oort.fbm
2008-03-30 21:19:42 ....A 634 230 Freeship/Ships/Parts/1.part
2007-11-05 14:51:00 ....A 2307 851 Freeship/Ships/Parts/2.part
2008-04-07 17:01:20 ....A 462 154 Freeship/Ships/Parts/FREE!ship demo 3+deck+gruz_man.part
2007-11-05 14:50:58 ....A 2307 851 Freeship/Ships/Parts/FREE!ship demo 3.part
2013-03-31 22:25:18 ....A 58363 12404 Freeship/Whatsnew.txt
2012-01-24 01:25:57 ....A 56762 12764 Freeship/WhatsnewRU.txt
2007-01-20 21:31:00 ....A 67584 12483 Freeship/Универсальная Общественная Лицензия GNU.doc
2011-02-23 00:43:43 D...A 0 0 Freeship/Engines/StartUp
2011-02-23 00:43:44 D...A 0 0 Freeship/Engines/Xlat
2012-01-24 01:43:35 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Ships/Database
2012-01-24 01:43:33 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Ships/From multisurf
2012-01-24 01:43:34 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Ships/FromFastship
2012-01-24 01:43:34 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Ships/FromRhino
2012-01-24 01:43:34 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Ships/Parts
2011-02-23 00:43:40 D...A 0 0 Freeship/BD
2011-02-23 00:43:43 D...A 0 0 Freeship/Engines
2012-01-24 01:42:56 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Exec
2011-02-23 00:44:09 D...A 0 0 Freeship/Languages
2011-02-23 00:43:54 D...A 0 0 Freeship/Manuals
2012-01-24 01:43:35 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Ships
2009-12-01 10:36:26 D...A 0 0 Freeship
2012-07-13 17:06:52 ....A 318 241 Freeship/Exec/ReadMe1st.txt
2011-10-10 00:01:07 ....A 99342 97651 Freeship/Exec/fungleib.EXE
2010-02-02 18:44:06 ....A 92996 56278 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 1_weght.fbm
2009-03-24 23:11:00 ....A 44147 30740 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 2_+deck.fbm
2009-03-24 22:52:34 ....A 79874 58952 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 2_.fbm
2010-02-10 02:07:48 ....A 92369 56037 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3+deck+gruz_man_symm.fbm
2010-02-18 18:39:50 ....A 89129 64486 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 3_H&O&Hollen&F_L.fbm
2009-12-07 20:26:38 ....A 54226 41585 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 7+back.fbm
2009-02-15 21:05:48 ....A 74601 63906 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 7opt.fbm
2009-03-10 22:18:02 ....A 65098 48809 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat+deck.fbm
2010-04-14 16:58:52 ....A 64949 55258 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat16t.fbm
2010-03-31 16:44:06 ....A 59860 49890 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat3_2tonnes.fbm
2009-10-06 02:27:34 ....A 59807 51242 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat4.fbm
2010-04-14 17:02:32 ....A 64782 55108 Freeship/Ships/Database/Motorboat_6,75tonnes.fbm
2009-10-20 01:13:46 ....A 92380 61449 Freeship/Ships/Database/Parent 22_Oort.fbm
2010-06-13 11:28:14 ....A 2462 753 Freeship/Ships/Part/30mm_Hub.part
2010-06-13 11:28:40 ....A 9156 3642 Freeship/Ships/Part/Man Sitting.part
2010-06-13 11:28:44 ....A 8207 3233 Freeship/Ships/Part/Man Standing.part
2010-08-26 15:41:06 ....A 4023 1151 Freeship/Ships/Part/Man183-70.part
2010-08-27 14:44:30 ....A 11017 3431 Freeship/Ships/Part/man183_70.part
2009-12-02 03:43:58 ....A 7437 2687 Freeship/Ships/Part/outboardEngine.part
2010-06-13 11:28:10 ....A 94610 14064 Freeship/Ships/Part/V11A_Prop_Blade.part
2010-08-27 23:05:50 ....A 12047 3896 Freeship/Ships/Part/М-183-70-сидящий.part
2012-01-24 01:43:35 D.... 0 0 Freeship/Ships/Part
2012-02-03 00:01:18 ....A 105998 104107 Freeship/Exec/BUNKOV.EXE
2013-01-10 21:26:26 ....A 102666 40611 Freeship/Exec/CALCPROP.EXE
2011-09-27 21:26:47 ....A 103438 101535 Freeship/Exec/CLEMBLOU.EXE
2012-07-05 17:52:02 ....A 172544 57432 Freeship/Exec/CLEMPOUP.EXE
2010-04-23 18:00:14 ....A 80800 37272 Freeship/Exec/PROPCALC.EXE
2011-09-27 20:08:05 ....A 99854 98228 Freeship/Exec/SeaMargn.EXE
2013-01-14 02:06:33 ....A 186520 33605 Freeship/Languages/Italiano.ini
2013-01-14 02:06:36 ....A 193751 33485 Freeship/Languages/Vietnamese.ini
2011-01-13 23:35:48 ....A 64095 34256 Freeship/Ships/Database/FREE!ship demo 4+deck.fbm
2010-12-09 18:16:24 ....A 133208 56066 Freeship/Ships/Ferries+deck.fbm
2011-01-12 23:27:16 ....A 288385 113564 Freeship/Ships/Loyalist+60-2-3+mod.fbm
2010-12-20 23:27:22 ....A 34506 29953 Freeship/Ships/pdock+weght_symm.fbm
2011-01-09 01:24:24 ....A 58458 42903 Freeship/Ships/Yacht_heel=20+keel.fbm
2011-02-23 00:47:37 ....A 7959715 7641489 Freeship/Manuals/ManualCA.pdf
2011-02-23 00:47:47 ....A 2940507 2684752 Freeship/Manuals/ManualFR.pdf
2011-02-23 00:48:10 ....A 2411789 2082379 Freeship/Manuals/ManualVN.pdf
2012-05-19 16:27:53 ....A 100352 44079 Freeship/Exec/COMPTON.EXE
2011-03-22 09:12:15 ....A 12 12 Freeship/Exec/CONF.PRO
2012-07-08 17:20:30 ....A 113152 46654 Freeship/Exec/RADOJCIC.EXE
2007-06-27 23:21:46 ....A 75 48 Freeship/Exec/RESIST.CNF
2012-06-29 22:23:35 ....A 241166 104844 Freeship/Exec/RNTSP.EXE
2012-11-04 22:04:11 ....A 243214 104372 Freeship/Exec/UBCRT.EXE
2012-05-19 16:25:17 ....A 101376 44660 Freeship/Exec/WOLFSON.EXE
2012-01-21 00:21:08 ....A 181850 103200 Freeship/Ships/5415_Tc=5+deck symm 30.fbm
2012-01-21 00:09:40 ....A 155264 96469 Freeship/Ships/5415_Tc=5+deck symm.fbm
2012-01-17 17:12:27 ....A 118582 83661 Freeship/Ships/5415_Tc=5+deck.fbm
2012-01-10 17:12:14 ....A 684644 530348 Freeship/Ships/Tug 25m_modT+parus.fbm
2012-01-22 22:29:03 ....A 752249 561502 Freeship/Ships/Tug 25m_modT+parus_symm5.fbm
2013-03-17 22:42:04 ....A 75136 37968 Freeship/Exec/fppcalc.EXE
2013-03-12 21:58:42 ....A 158748 41741 Freeship/Languages/Chinese.ini
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2013-03-31 22:25:18 49897390 31253013 201 files, 15 folders
But I still have 3.4 sources
Thanks, but your source link returns "Error 403":
(all other links in same folder works)
Thanks, but your source link returns "Error 403"
Fixed now, forgot to set read permissions.
Fixed now, forgot to set read permissions.
I just looked on last snapshot of download page on Wayback Machine -- there was at least 529
downloads of FREE!ship Plus 3.50 source package, maybe it still persist somewhere, so let keep this issue open.
Working official
downloads mirror, with v3.5 binary and source:
Source backup:
Is there a backup of original FREE!ship Plus3.50
source?Old obsolete link: a request on BoatDesign too: Found official working mirror, see comment: