markmap / markmap-vscode

Integrate markmap into VSCode
MIT License
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Support for markdown frontmatter #20

Closed martintang closed 3 years ago

martintang commented 3 years ago

FrontMatter always used in markdown file for recording some infos, such as:

title: xxx
date: xxxx
tags: ["xxx", "xxx"]

and some other extensions can also use this FrontMatter's infos, such as "Nested tags".

Hope this wonderful extension can skip FrontMatter, or it will show wrong mindmap. Thanks.

flatrick commented 3 years ago

I want to use this together with Dendron, but Dendron becomes really unhappy if a .md file is missing the Front Matter, and the Front Matter currently ruins the outputted mind map 😢 In other words, a bit of a Catch-22 situation..

matthewbellringer commented 3 years ago

Came here to request this for integration with Dendron too!