markmap / mkdocs-markmap

MkDocs plugin and extension to create mindmaps from markdown using markmap
MIT License
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Minor rendering issues #51

Closed fralau closed 1 year ago

fralau commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this interesting plugin! I am @fralau, the maintainer of the mermaid2 plugin. I believe that the idea of using markdown to represent mindmaps is sensible, and that the concept appears more mature than Mermaid minmaps!

Since it worked out of the box 👍 , I threw the whole demo diagram from at it. It also worked immediately, so 👍 again!

Just a minor issue, the inline code is printed vertically:

 - `inline code`


(I also appreciated that it works directly with pymdownx.superfences, out of the box).

fralau commented 1 year ago

As a side note, I tested the same diagram with Material, including with dark mode, and it doesn't give the same issue. markmap2

The code block is slightly squashed, but this is also a minor issue.

fralau commented 1 year ago

It also works perfectly with Mermaid2, which is a side bonus.

site_name: My Docs

  # name: readthedocs
  name: material
  language: en
    scheme: slate
    primary: red
    accent: pink

  - pymdownx.superfences:
        # make exceptions to highlighting of code:
        - name: mermaid
          class: mermaid
          format: !!python/name:mermaid2.fence_mermaid_custom

  - search
  - markmap
  - mermaid2:
      version: '10.1.0'


Here is the Mermaid code:

graph LR
    hello --> world
    world --> again
    again --> hello