markmarijnissen / webpack-cordova-plugin

Output webpack to a Cordova app.
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help cordova #6

Open manuka89 opened 8 years ago

manuka89 commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I've found this useful plugin to make a cordova apps. I'm new in using webpack so I developed a sample application of mine using react and webpack. Now the app is working, I've tested it by running with expressJS.

The next step is to transform or to get it to cordova. I've installed your plugin and cordova and I put the example in my webpack config file. Although when I run webpack it finished successfully but does not create anything for cordova.

Could you please help me? Whethr I miss something?.


TCMiranda commented 8 years ago

Hi, @manuka89

It doesn't created the config.xml file? You need to add the platform after running webpack