markniu / PandaPi

3d printer firmware run on raspberry pi directly
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Compile STM32F103C8 firmware from source #12

Closed wmzart closed 3 years ago

wmzart commented 4 years ago


Where can I find the source of the firmware for the STFM32F103C8 controller?

I would like to try to build the source myself.



wmzart commented 4 years ago

User @keczejo already mentioned that the "... source code for stm is not public yet ...". (See here). So when are these files going to be released?

markniu commented 4 years ago

After selling 1,000 of this board, the firmware of this stm32 will be open source, :)

wmzart commented 4 years ago

Cool! That would be fantastic.

wmzart commented 3 years ago

Either you have sold at least 1000 of these boards or you changed your mind. Nevertheless a big thanks for providing the source!