npx @marko/create marko-app --template vite-http
cd marko-app
npm run dev
After opening localhost:3000, the terminal and browser display the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'headers' of undefined
at new Accepts (/Users/ajcwebdev/marko-app/node_modules/accepts/index.js:37:22)
at Proxy.Accepts (/Users/ajcwebdev/marko-app/node_modules/accepts/index.js:34:12)
at Module.send (/src/send.js:15:27)
at handler (src/index.js:7:6)
at file:///Users/ajcwebdev/marko-app/index.js:34:15
Figured it out, the issue is you need to have Node 16 installed, Node 14 will fail. Would be useful to mention the Node requirements somewhere in the README.
Download the
template.After opening
, the terminal and browser display the following error: