markohlebar / BIND

Data Binding and MVVM for iOS
MIT License
354 stars 48 forks source link

2.0 Roadmap #26

Open markohlebar opened 8 years ago

markohlebar commented 8 years ago
IHEARTCOOKIES commented 6 years ago

Is this still on-going or did you drop this project? @markohlebar

Seems to be the cleanest repo on GitHub. Great work!

markohlebar commented 6 years ago

Hey @IHEARTCOOKIES thanks 👍 I don't think I will continue development on this repo, since it works pretty well as is. I've started working on Swift implementation that is more oriented to standardising the way we do MVVM, but it's still not production ready.

I'll add a notice to the README saying BIND is not actively maintained.

IHEARTCOOKIES commented 6 years ago

Okay, sounds good. Thank you for your reply @markohlebar

IHEARTCOOKIES commented 6 years ago

Just curious, would you say that the framework as it is right now is stable enough to use in production mode?

Saw that you opened NSConcretePointerArray arrayGrow: for example. Does this effect production apps? If so, do you know any alternatives that might be in active development?


markohlebar commented 6 years ago

@IHEARTCOOKIES the framework is currently used in a huge betting company production app, but if you find any problems you'll have to do a fork and fix it yourself :)

As for alternatives, if you're looking for bindings and observables I'd look at ReactiveCocoa, although if you're just looking for UI Bindings, that might be too heavy. If you're looking at a framework that handles large collection views take a look at IGListKit. Hope this helps!

IHEARTCOOKIES commented 6 years ago

It surely does. Thank you! @markohlebar