markonm / traces.vim

Range, pattern and substitute preview for Vim
MIT License
735 stars 13 forks source link

feature request: change highlighting color #34

Closed davemachado closed 4 years ago

davemachado commented 4 years ago

Hi, this plugin is super great! Unfortunately I use a dark theme terminal and the bright yellow highlighting makes it impossible to read the light-colored text. It would be so great if the highlighting color was configurable!

markonm commented 4 years ago

What color scheme do you use? You can already use TracesSearch highlight group to change pattern highlighting. Try adding the following to your vimrc:

hi link TracesSearch WildMenu
davemachado commented 4 years ago

I was able to get a new color selected by adding the following to my vimrc:

set hlsearch
hi Search ctermbg=LightYellow
hi Search ctermfg=Red
