markpenaranda / react-photosphere

Photosphere Viewer for React.JS
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Safari 15 - THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Lost. #1

Open olihulland opened 2 years ago

olihulland commented 2 years ago

When running on Safari 15 I get a THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Lost error causing the page to keep loading and the photosphere not to be shown.

Have been trying to update dependencies in a fork to see if this can be resolved.

Note: I had a similar error with a-frame which was fixed by updating to a newer version of aframe/THREE.

olihulland commented 2 years ago

Due to time limitations I have chosen to just implement my own component using the same underlying photo-sphere-viewer library (I used v4.2.1 rather than older version used here). This works fine which suggests issue is due to outdated dependency.

Source code for component if someone else is facing the same problem:

(Look into docs for options to change/set in componentDidMount)

yarn add photo-sphere-viewer


import React, {Component} from 'react';
import { Viewer } from 'photo-sphere-viewer';
import 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/photo-sphere-viewer.css';

class MyPhotoSphere extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

    componentDidMount() {
        const viewer = new Viewer({
            container: document.querySelector("#viewer"),
            panorama: this.props.src,
        viewer.setOption('autorotateSpeed', this.props.animRPM+'rpm')

    render() {
        return <div id="viewer" style={{height: this.props.height}} />;

export default MyPhotoSphere;

To Use:

<MyPhotoSphere src={url} height={400} animRPM={2} />