markrae / BookCollections

Android application for cataloging one's personal library.
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Watch the short 18min workshop videos on Treehouse covering the use of GitHub and Android Studio together. #16

Open dax2367 opened 6 years ago

dax2367 commented 6 years ago

Android Studio can make working with GitHub much simpler. In this workshop we'll go over sending our own project to GitHub, pulling a project from GitHub, and making contributions to an existing project.

[Link to the video] (

dax2367 commented 6 years ago

Mark and I decided that this would be a good video to watch because it covers the exact workflows that we need to perform while working on our Android project together.

markrae commented 6 years ago

So now that I have access to Treehouse, I have finally viewed this video. Most of what was covered in the 1st and 3rd videos are things that we ended up already learning as we went, but it's good to know that we're basically doing things the "right" way. The 2nd video didn't really apply to our project at this time, but would certainly be useful to anyone trying to join our project later.