markrae / BookCollections

Android application for cataloging one's personal library.
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User can add a book by entering text #2

Open markrae opened 6 years ago

markrae commented 6 years ago

As a User, I can add a new item/book to a collection, so that I can begin to build up my library.

markrae commented 6 years ago

So after talking with Holly, we kind of decided that entering a book by typing ISBN is kind of a multi-faceted issue (it includes entering and the interfacing with an ISBN lookup API). So in the interest of a minimum viable product, this user story is going to include simply adding a book by a text string (i.e. title, author, common nickname like "Grey's Anatomy").

markrae commented 6 years ago

So for this issue to be complete, a user needs to be able to go through the "adding a new book" form/process and simply enter a string into a text box. The string can slide in as a substitute TItle or maybe as a Nickname field, depending on how we decide to store book information. Whatever field the string goes into, should ideally be something that is displayed on the collections page.