Closed ding-hub closed 6 years ago
Well just in case...
cdef aafUID_t AUID_AAFRGBADescriptor
cdef GUID IID_IAAFRGBADescriptor2
cdef cppclass IAAFRGBADescriptor2(IUnknown):
HRESULT Initialize()
HRESULT SetPixelLayout(aafUInt32 numberElements, aafRGBAComponent_t *PixelLayoutArray)
HRESULT GetPixelLayout(aafUInt32 numberElements, aafRGBAComponent_t *PixelLayoutArray)
HRESULT SetComponentMaxRef(aafUInt32 componentMaxRef)
HRESULT GetComponentMaxRef(aafUInt32 * componentMaxRef)
HRESULT SetComponentMinRef(aafUInt32 componentMinRef)
HRESULT GetComponentMinRef(aafUInt32 * componentMinRef)
cdef class RGBADescriptor(DigitalImageDescriptor):
def __cinit__(self):
self.iid = lib.IID_IAAFRGBADescriptor2
self.auid = lib.AUID_AAFRGBADescriptor
self.ptr = NULL
cdef lib.IUnknown **get_ptr(self):
return <lib.IUnknown **> &self.ptr
cdef query_interface(self, AAFBase obj = None):
if obj is None:
obj = self
query_interface(obj.get_ptr(), <lib.IUnknown **> &self.ptr, lib.IID_IAAFRGBADescriptor2)
DigitalImageDescriptor.query_interface(self, obj)
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.ptr:
def __init__(self, root):
cdef Dictionary dictionary = root.dictionary
def get_pixelLayout(self, lib.aafUInt32 element):
cdef lib.aafRGBAComponent_t PixelLayoutArray
error_check(self.ptr.GetPixelLayout(element, &PixelLayoutArray))
return PixelLayoutArray
def set_pixelLayout(self, lib.aafUInt32 element, size, type = "None"):
if type == "None":
type = lib.kAAFCompNone
elif type == "Alpha":
type = lib.kAAFCompAlpha
elif type == "Blue":
type = lib.kAAFCompBlue
elif type == "Fill":
type = lib.kAAFCompFill
elif type == "Green":
type = lib.kAAFCompGreen
elif type == "Palette":
type = lib.kAAFCompPalette
elif type == "Red":
type = lib.kAAFCompRed
elif type == "Null":
type = lib.kAAFCompNull
cdef lib.aafUInt32 numberElements = element
cdef lib.aafRGBAComponent_t PixelLayoutArray
PixelLayoutArray.Code = type
PixelLayoutArray.Size = size
error_check(self.ptr.SetPixelLayout(element, &PixelLayoutArray))
def get_max_ref(self):
cdef lib.aafUInt32 ref
return ref
def set_max_ref(self, lib.aafUInt32 ref):
def get_min_ref(self):
cdef lib.aafUInt32 ref
return ref
def set_min_ref(self, lib.aafUInt32 ref):
cdef class RGBADescriptor(DigitalImageDescriptor):
cdef lib.IAAFRGBADescriptor2 *ptr
ctypedef aafInt32 aafRGBAComponentKind_t
ctypedef enum aafRGBAComponentKind_e "_aafRGBAComponentKind_e":
kAAFCompNone = 0x30
kAAFCompAlpha = 0x41
kAAFCompBlue = 0x42
kAAFCompFill = 0x46
kAAFCompGreen = 0x47
kAAFCompPalette = 0x50
kAAFCompRed = 0x52
kAAFCompNull = 0x0
ctypedef struct aafRGBAComponent_t:
aafRGBAComponentKind_t Code
aafUInt8 Size
I'm just learning python/cython so I hope it will help.
hi @ding-hub, sorry, I'm not entirely sure I understand what your trying to do. Are you trying a clip with a effect on it? Could you perhaps provide a sample aaf (or dump of one) from Media Composer that your trying to match?
Thanks for sharing your RGBADescriptor changes, I'll try incorporate some them when I get a chance.
btw some those properties can be set via the properties interface already
f =
d = f.create.RGBADescriptor()
# print all the property names
print d.all_keys()
# set min/max ref
d['ComponentMinRef'].value = 16
d['ComponentMaxRef'].value = 235
Yeah, I'm trying to create a clip with alpha channel. Here is the xml to the aaf I'm trying to copy. aaf.xml I'm doing the following.
opgroup = aaf.component.OperationGroup(f, "picture", 30, op_def)
def import_dnxhd_video_essence(f, mastermob, path, length, framerate):
slot = mastermob.import_video_essence(path, framerate)
add_clip(f, slot, ntpath.basename(path), 30000/1001, length, framerate)
scopesequence = f.create.Sequence("picture")
opgroup.insert(0, scopesequence)
scope = aaf.component.NestedScope(f, "picture", 30)
for path in filelist:
if '.dnxhd' in path:
import_dnxhd_video_essence(f, mastermob, path, 30, 29.97)
opgroup.insert(1, composite["Source"])
opgroup.insert(2, composite["Alpha"])
timeline_slot = f.create.TimelineMobSlot()
timeline_slot.editrate = 29.97
timeline_slot.segment = opgroup
Okay I think I understand now, your getting this:
And you want this:
Through some testing its seems to be the custom AppCode
property that hides the mastermob.
f =
# add AppCode property to Mob classdef
mob_classdef = f.dictionary.lookup_classdef("Mob")
int32_typedef = f.dictionary.lookup_typedef("Int32")
prop_id = AUID("urn:uuid:96c46992-4f62-11d3-a022-006094eb75cb")
mob_classdef.register_optional_propertydef(int32_typedef, prop_id, 'AppCode')
# now you can set it
mastermob = f.create.MasterMob()
mastermob['AppCode'].value = 1
I initial thought is was th UsageCode
on the mastermob, and need to be set to Usage_LowerLevel
, but it seems to do nothing in avid.
hope that helps!
Awesome! Thanks. Now I just need to do the same but with an mxf link. I'm sure your link mxf example will come in handy.
Im trying to create an AAF with an OperationGroup so that I can bring in one composite clip with an effect already applied to it but when I bring in my AAF into Avid I get the grouped clip along with the master mob clip but I just want the grouped clip only. Is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong. Here is what I'm doing. Im bringing in two clips in the same master mob using the function import_video_essence. Then I'm passing it to this function.
Then Im putting each clip into an OperationGroup and adding that to a TimelineMobSlot. When I bring in the AAF I get the group with the effect but also the master mob clip. Is there a way I can avoid bringing in the extra clip?
BTW I extended RGBADescriptor. I don't know how to use github but I can post what I did if you are interested. I tried to use the set max/min reference to set the max/min luma reference of the matte clip but it is not working as I expected and my matte is a bit transparent. I guess a topic for another day.