Closed ding-hub closed 6 years ago
Could you provide a sample of AAF file of what your trying to match?
Im trying to do this but with linked mxf files instead of importing the essence
here is what the code looks like.
def add_clips(path):
data = probe(path)
filename = ntpath.basename(path)
format = data['format']
metadata = format['tags']
stream = data['streams'][0]
stream_metadata = stream['tags']
file_package_umid = stream_metadata['file_package_umid']
material_name = metadata['material_package_name']
file_package_name = 'file_package_name'
file_package_mob_id, reel_mob_id,clip_start_timecode = mxfinfo(path)
codec_type = stream['codec_type']
rate = fractions.Fraction(stream['avg_frame_rate'])
duration = stream['duration_ts']
media_kind = "picture"
width = int(stream['width'])
height = int(stream['height'])
mastermob = f.create.MasterMob(material_name)
print material_name
mastermob['AppCode'].value = 1
media_kind = "picture"
width = int(stream['width'])
height = int(stream['height'])
descriptor = f.create.CDCIDescriptor()
descriptor['ImageAspectRatio'].value = fractions.Fraction(width, height)
descriptor['FrameLayout'].value = 'SeparateFields'
descriptor['StoredWidth'].value = width
descriptor['StoredHeight'].value = height
descriptor['Length'].value = duration
descriptor['SampleRate'].value = rate
src_mob = f.create.SourceMob(file_package_name)
src_mob.mobID = file_package_mob_id
src_mob.essence_descriptor = descriptor
src_mob.add_nil_ref(1, duration, media_kind, rate)
source_clip = src_mob.create_clip(1)
mastermob.append_new_timeline_slot(rate, source_clip, 1)
clip = mastermob.create_clip(1)
clip_type = 'Source'
if '_alpha.mxf' in filename:
clip_type = 'Alpha'
composite[clip_type] = clip
return duration
the error I'm getting is actually "Exception: MXF_DIDMapperSegmented::GetParsedIndexTableSegmented - Unable to parse the Index Table" the previous error was a framerate problem I posted by mistake
What is interesting is if I delete the clips in my bin and delete the database files and use the media tool I can see the mxf's and play them back properly as dnxhd 145 but as soon as I delete the database file again and import the aaf avid gets confused again and thinks the files are 1:1 and wont play them back. Its like the aaf forces the database to see these files in a different format. I just don't know how to tell avid these files are the proper format. I have looked all over the place to find any api calls that tells the descriptor to make the app see the proper format with no success.
I haven't had a chance to look into this, but my initial hunch is the compression ID on the descriptor. I have a list based off the CID in pyaaf2 here. CID is in the header of the raw dnxhd frame. You can also match AUIDs from a aaf exported from media composer.
Gave it a go with no joy.
descriptor['Compression'].value = uuid.UUID("04010202-7108-0000-060e-2b340401010a")
it matches the original xml but it doesnt work.
I even tried this with no luck.
descriptor['ResolutionID'].value = 1242
After deleting all media from the drive and clearing the database one more time and making sure to delete all references from all projects I think it is working with the compression descriptor. Lets see tomorrow how it shakes out.
I've been trying to get an aaf file with linked mxf following the example but the problem is that even though the mxf is correct (145 1080i) when I use the AMA plugin, when I use the script media composer thinks the file is 1:1 1080p and refuses to play the files. It gives me error "Exception: The sequence or one of its source elements is too long to be played" I would like to know if anyone has had success using a linked xmf. I have been spending so much time trying to get this to work without any success. I have even tried to add a TapeDescriptor along with the CDCIDescriptor with no joy. I have even used the and had no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.