markrobinsonuzh / cytofWorkflow

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Removed rows containing missing values (geom_point). #8

Closed jspegarova closed 4 years ago

jspegarova commented 4 years ago


I get the warning message below after the line lgd <- get_legend(p2 +
guides(color = guide_legend(ncol = 2, override.aes = list(size = 3))))

Warning message: Removed 718647 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Any idea of where this is coming from and how to solve it?

Thanks for your help. J

markrobinsonuzh commented 4 years ago

Hard to diagnose without more details, but maybe it's actually ok as it's only a warning and maybe p2 already makes a figure? Is it simply that you have many cells, but only calculate the tSNE projection for a small number (e.g., 500) of cells and thus the rest are NA (missing). If so, then it's not really a problem.

In general, it's best to give a reproducible example, and the output of sessionInfo().


HelenaLC commented 4 years ago

Yes, if p2 is a dim red plot, it is most likely because the dim red was run only a subset of cells and thus contains NAs for many cells. The warning will be suppress in the next devel version as it shouldn’t be reason for concern.