Running the instructions returns an error:
# Create your project directory then go into it:
mkdir -p ~/Sites/magento
cd $_
# Run this automated one-liner from the directory you want to install your project.
curl -s | bash -s -- magento.test 2.4.5-p1 community`
Results in the following error:
Composer auth has already been set up.
Fixing filesystem ownerships...
Filesystem ownerships fixed.
Creating a "magento/project-community-edition=2.4.5-p1" project at "./"
The '' URL could not be accessed: HTTP/2 403
403 meaning, not all “a client is forbidden from accessing a valid URL”
Expected Result
Magento gets downloaded from
Actual Result
Magento does not get download from
Possible reason
The most obvious reason is because of invalid auth.json details. The question is, what should these credentials be.
As we all know, Adobe tries to make it as difficult as possible to do anything. So, they refactored their API/key system without being verbose in how to use them.
Description Running the instructions returns an error:
Results in the following error:
403 meaning, not all “a client is forbidden from accessing a valid URL”
Steps To Reproduce
Expected Result Magento gets downloaded from
Actual Result Magento does not get download from
Possible reason The most obvious reason is because of invalid auth.json details. The question is, what should these credentials be.
As we all know, Adobe tries to make it as difficult as possible to do anything. So, they refactored their API/key system without being verbose in how to use them.
According to their documentation: It looks like that username / password requests by composer are now replaced by “MAG” code and “API key”.
The question is, of course, what data should be entered when prompted for username and password.
I have tried the following:
Are there any other combination possible? Do you guys have any suggestions?