marksparkza / jschon

An object-oriented JSON Schema implementation for Python.
MIT License
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Modify error message for enum #36

Open BenjixLeGaulois opened 2 years ago

BenjixLeGaulois commented 2 years ago


Would it be possible to modify the error message in the case of enum type? In case of a value not in the list of allowed possibilities, I would like to be able to embed suggestions in the error message using the levenshtein distance, like "Did you mean ...?" Please can you suggest a way of doing this, if possible? Many thanks.

marksparkza commented 2 years ago

Currently there's no supported / documented way to do this - I have some ideas about customizing behaviours, messages, etc for predefined keywords, but nothing concrete as yet.

However, the following approach should work - replace the existing EnumKeyword class in the meta-schema with your own enum keyword implementation:

from jschon import JSON, JSONSchema, URI, create_catalog
from jschon.jsonschema import Result
from jschon.vocabulary import Keyword

class MyEnumKeyword(Keyword):
    key = "enum"

    def evaluate(self, instance: JSON, result: Result) -> None:
        if instance not in self.json:
  '{instance} is not in {self.json}. Did you mean...')

catalog = create_catalog('2020-12')

metaschema = catalog.get_schema(URI(''))
metaschema.kwclasses['enum'] = MyEnumKeyword

schema = JSONSchema({
    '$schema': '',
    'enum': ['foo', 'bar'],
data = JSON('baz')
