markstory / cakephp_menu_component

A component that generates dynamic DbAcl based menus. Works with AcoExtrasShell
44 stars 13 forks source link

New Menu plugin #3

Open bmcclure opened 12 years ago

bmcclure commented 12 years ago

Are you planning to update or continue maintaining this plugin?

I've recently fully refactored my Menu plugin which offers some similar functionality to your component for CakePHP. It's not yet as mature as yours (It's lacking in documentation, tests, exception handling, and a few nice features your component offers) but I just figure if you plan to continue maintaining this, it might be a good opportunity for collaboration or standardization of some kind.

My MenuBuilderComponent has features for manually building menu structures, and also for generating menu structures for one or more controllers. I have added issues to my issue queue to add some of the helpful features in your plugin, such as the 'alias', 'exclude', and 'parent' options.

One major difference is that I also include a MenuRendererHelper which uses one or more MenuRenderer objects to actually draw the menus. I did not want to lose the flexibility you offer in controlling your own menu output, so I figured being able to pass in your own MenuRenderer and/or Menu and MenuItem objects should do the trick without making it complicated for someone who just wants a basic nav/ul structure for their menus.

Anyway, sorry for rambling a bit. Your menu component was a big inspiration for my originally forking torifat's plugin and eventually turning it into what it is now. I'd very much welcome any input or initial comments you've got, although I understand that it's a bit hard to work with at this point without updated documentation or any tests. I'll try to add these things in, time-permitting, over the next few days.

Edit: Including a link would help:



markstory commented 12 years ago

I don't really have much in the way of plans/time for this plugin. Its been eons since I've actually used it. If you're interested in taking it over, or combining/merging it with an updated replacement I'd be happy to mothball this and point people at the new plugin.