Closed rudy1976s closed 7 months ago
Do you have a constant in your application that starts with a wss:
Hello Mark
I have a configuration in environment file like the following :
and some constants like the following
define("WEBSOCKETS_ENDPOINT", Configure::read("sockets_endpoint", "wss://' . Configure::read('application_hostname') . '/socket/"));
It seems that everything is correctly wrapped with ""
After upgrading to cakephp 5 I have the following error:
: file_exists(): Unable to find the wrapper "wss" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? [in /var/www/acme/vendor/markstory/mini-asset/src/AssetConfig.php, line 129
I tried to search on google without luck. I have added a "@" as workardoun on line 129. How can I solve this problem?Thank you