markusdd / ilo-utils

This project contains the tools necessary to run iLO 3/4/5 remote consoles directly from linux, provides ssh scripts to connect via terminal and for iLO 3 it provides proxy scripts to make modern browsers connect to the webpages despite TLSv1.1.
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curl: (35) OpenSSL/3.0.13: error:0A00014D:SSL routines::legacy sigalg disallowed or unsupported Failed to retrieve key. Wrong password or banned? #5

Open OverStyleFR opened 2 months ago

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

Hi, i have this issue !

Can someone help me ? I don't think there is something on the to help me with that.

I really want to use KVM console on my Linux (Debian 12) !

markusdd commented 2 months ago

see if this gives you a clue.

I cannot do any testing as I do not have access to any legacy ilo machines anymore

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

Mhm, so my problem can't be fix ?

markusdd commented 2 months ago

Not by me anyway.

Please look at the other open issue and the pull request I linked, most likely the fix will be derating the security settings before connecting.

These old ilo machines use extremely outdated crypto standards so with each new distribution it will require more workarounds, even more what I have already built in.

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

I looked the pull request you linked, but i don't understand how to set the security level to 0

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

Ok my bad, i downgrade the level of security

But, a another problem :

When i launch the script, it will connecte and launch the KVM console, but close instantly...

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

If can help :

image image

markusdd commented 2 months ago

it literally says what the problem is: it cannot download the proper jar file for the console.

So either your ilo is outdated and you should update your machine, or HP at some point released something newer and the name has changed (unlikely, as ilo 3 is discontinued).

If you try to start the java console via the web you should be able to see with your browser what the proper name is, you then need to patch the script here

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

Okay, so i checked but...

It's the correcte name..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" href=""><information><title>Integrated Remote Console</title><vendor>HPE</vendor><offline-allowed></offline-allowed></information><security><all-permissions></all-permissions></security><resources><j2se version="1.5+" href=""></j2se><jar href="" main="false" /></resources><property name="deployment.trace.level property" value="basic"></property><applet-desc main-class="com.hp.ilo2.intgapp.intgapp" name="iLOJIRC" documentbase="" width="1" height="1"><param name="RCINFO1" value="4b929b7dabb24b7f155e55ed8513af1d"/><param name="RCINFOLANG" value="en"/><param name="INFO0" value="7AC3BDEBC9AC64E85734454B53BB73CE"/><param name="INFO1" value="17988"/><param name="INFO2" value="composite"/></applet-desc><update check="background"></update></jnlp>

<jar href=""

markusdd commented 2 months ago

so if you installed the proper Java 8 via the script and also followed all other settings as described then I am not sure what is missing. it should start downloading it.

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

so if you installed the proper Java 8 via the script and also followed all other settings as described then I am not sure what is missing. it should start downloading it.

Yep, i execute the bas-install script and the generate-ilo-sript. But seams not works for me :(

markusdd commented 2 months ago

then you need to do some manual debugging, like e.g. trying to download the jar via curl and see if that works etc.

As said: no chance for me to reproduce, I have no such machines anymore.

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

image That's work

OverStyleFR commented 2 months ago

There is a way to use the .jar i just downloaded and use it to run the KVM console ? (i don't know if this is understandable)

markusdd commented 2 months ago

the script is using hte downloaded .jar but if you look into it you will see it is a bit more complicated than just running the .jar.

You can only try to cross-check if all TLS settings etc are correct and maybe try to connect with other users who are still actively using this project.