markusfisch / PieLauncher

Android home screen launcher that uses a dynamic pie menu instead of tables of icons.
MIT License
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Search behavior changed #106

Open henriman opened 5 months ago

henriman commented 5 months ago

It seems that the behavior of the search in the app list has changed. Now, after entering a character, all apps that contain that character are listed, in alphabetical order (and not starting with the apps that start with that character). E.g., if I enter "M", Bandcamp appears before Maps.

If this change was intentional, I would appreciate the option to change the behavior back in the settings. (Maybe I am also mistaken and this is how the search always worked, I just noticed accidentally opening the wrong app for some character combinations that I had already internalized; in that case, this would be a feature request.)

(P.S.: Thank you for developing this awesome launcher!)

markusfisch commented 5 months ago

Hi, and thanks for using Pie Launcher!

There was a change regarding how the search works indeed! But it was a while back already. Fortunately, you can choose the behaviour you want in the settings of the app now. Look for the item "App search" in the "App Drawer" category (probably near the bottom of the screen). There, you can choose "Name starts with search term".

clshi2022 commented 4 months ago

Actually the default search behaviour is kinda nice. It's kinda like a fuzzy seacrh.

One way it could be further enhanced is to also consider the frequency of app usage. If the search term appears in more than one app, list them from left to right ranking by frequency of use. This would allow users to get their desired "hits" more often, which they could directly start by hitting "search" on the keyboard

markusfisch commented 4 months ago

Good point! And similar to

I'm about to try this!