markusfisch / PieLauncher

Android home screen launcher that uses a dynamic pie menu instead of tables of icons.
MIT License
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[feature request] hierarchical pies #9

Open Yasen6275 opened 3 years ago

Yasen6275 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I really love the idea, but 8 elements in pie is quite limiting for me. I know I can add more but that is not very practical.

Would you consider hierarchical pies as an option?

Also are you against widgets on desktop in general or just haven't implemented it yet?

markusfisch commented 3 years ago

Hierachical pies are possible, and I already thought about this concept! So I will definetly explore this option, although I'm afraid it might mess with the idea of using muscle memory to open a frequently used app a bit.

Another idea I had is to open a different pie if you open the menu in the upper (or lower) part of the screen. This way, you could have two pie menus at least.

About widgets; I already considered (and wrote some code for) supporting 1x1 widgets as additional icons, but that didn't went too well. Personally I don't use any widgets and prefer a clean look. But I might have another go in the future.

Yasen6275 commented 3 years ago

The only widget I use is from my weather app and I used also as clock an date widget. I suppose I can live without it

Your point about muscle memory might be valid, but I can't see a way to validate it. Except testing ofc. But that's a work that might go to waste, so I understand you.. What about different behavior in long press and slide and just long press. Or some other gesture to bring up more complex pies?

Also what do you think about multi layered/ringed pies?

markusfisch commented 3 years ago

Using a long press to open another pie menu is an interesting idea! 🤔 Will try it!

About multi-layered pies - I'm afraid there's not enough room on a smartphone display to really make them work. Maybe just for animation: when an outer ring (holding a sub menu) moves in to replace the current menu 🤔

Yasen6275 commented 3 years ago

On the long axis of the screen there is a space for one maybe two arcs. But I can see the can of worms that can be from programing side.

gary-host-laptop commented 3 years ago

Im pretty sure you can develop muscle memory for at least two radial menus.

BartleyTheShopkeeper commented 3 years ago

This would absolutely be my launcher of choice if you had this. Let's say I hold, open the pie, and then swipe over to the right to open a new pie (while also closing the old one) for social media. That would be incredible.

moriel5 commented 2 years ago

Hmm... Lately I have been looking into marking menus for better efficiency (mainly on the desktop, with my A4Tech RBW-5), so the idea of hierarchical pies certainly intrigues me (while completely different, I have in the past used a "honeycomb" style launcher on my phone, and I really liked it).

Perhaps there will be enough space on larger tablets and 2-in-1s (or just any device with high enough DPI) to make this viable.