markushedvall / node-plantuml

A Node.js module and CLI for running PlantUML
MIT License
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Generating DOT diagrams #5

Closed petrockblog closed 8 years ago

petrockblog commented 8 years ago

I tried to generate a DOT diagram as described at with node-plantuml, for example

digraph foo {
  node [style=rounded]
  node1 [shape=box]
  node2 [fillcolor=yellow, style="rounded,filled", shape=diamond]
  node3 [shape=record, label="{ a | b | c }"]

  node1 -> node2 -> node3

It only generates a black box, see Could you point me into a promising direction where to look at to make this working? Could it be because of the @startdot and @enddot directives?

markushedvall commented 8 years ago

I was looking at your example, and I don't see the black box. For me it rendered half of the diagram. However if I follow the direct link to the diagram: it loads perfectly.

This shouldn't be an issue of node-plantuml, and should work as long as you are generating to png but I could be wrong.

Do you still not see the diagram?

petrockblog commented 8 years ago

Ups, you are right - thanks a lot! node-plantuml is working correctly here as well. Thanks for pointing me to that!