markvanderloo / extremevalues

An R-package for distribution-based outlier detection
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Improved CITATION formatting #5

Closed zeileis closed 1 year ago

zeileis commented 1 year ago


together with the CRAN team we are currently discussing strategies for better checking of CITATION files. In a CRAN screening, the extremevalues package stood out due to its frequent use of citFooter() in its CITATION file.

I think it would be better to set up a CITATION with two bibentry() objects as shown below. Or is there a particular reason why the second citation is in the footer only?

I'm happy to turn this into a PR if you would prefer that.

Thanks for your consideration & best wishes, Achim

if(!exists("meta") || is.null(meta)) meta <- packageDescription("extremevalues")
year <- sub("-.*", "", meta$Date)
note <- sprintf("R package version %s", meta$Version)

bibentry(bibtype = "Manual",
         title   = "extremevalues: Univariate Outlier Detection",
         author  = person(given = "Mark", family = "van der Loo"),
         year    = year,
         note    = note,
     url     = "",
     header  = "To cite extremevalues in publications use:"

bibentry(bibtype = "TechReport",
         title   = "Distribution Based Outlier Detection for Univariate Data",
         author  = person(given = "Mark", family = "van der Loo"),
         institution = "Statistics Netherlands",
         number  = "10003",
         address = "The Hague",
         url     = "",
         year    = "2010",
         header  = "To cite the underlying theory, please use:"
markvanderloo commented 1 year ago

Hi Achim, thanks for this! I have no idea why the package has this CITATION format. It probably seemed like a good idea at the time :). Will fix.

zeileis commented 1 year ago

:nerd_face: I know that feeling... Thanks in advance for the fix!