markvanderloo / tinytest

A lightweight, no-dependency, but full-featured package for unit testing in R
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[feature suggestion] Ruby rspec-like structuring of tests #110

Open telegott opened 1 year ago

telegott commented 1 year ago

First of all, thanks for this great package. I greatly appreciate working with it. I have a suggestion for structuring tests, although I do not know how difficult it is to implement that in a bullet-proof way. It follows the Ruby test framework rspec and having worked with Ruby, Python and R quite a bit, I have the feeling this is the gold standard of how human readable tests could look like.

Basically it consists of three things:

At the most basic, this provides a great visual way to visually parse test files: what is tested, what setups there are, under which circumstances you expect what. This creates a logical structure that's easier to read than a flat file sequences of of data = data.frame(...); expect_equal(...) calls. context might modify the environment, which should be undone afterwards.

for example, I have a database connection function which depends on the environment variable APP_ENV (which is set to "test" when running the test). Based on that, a section of a list is used to provide parameters:


  dbname: 'r_example_development'
  database_url: 'DATABASE_URL'
  dbname: 'r_example_test'
  database_url: 'DATABASE_URL'

For the development case, I have a fork: if there is an environment variable called DATABASE_URL, it would try that first, otherwise use default values, .e.g

host: localhost
port: 5432

In the test environment, it always uses the defaults, in production, it always relies on a DATABASE_URL being set.

A naive implementation of the thing (using the box package)

report_description <- Sys.getenv('TINYTEST_VERBOSE') != ''
whitespace <- ' '
indentation <- paste(rep(whitespace, 2), collapse = '')

.new_counter <- function() {
  value <- 0
  function(action) {
    if (action == 'increase') {
      value <<- value + 1
    } else if (action == 'decrease') {
      value <<- value - 1
      if (value < 0) {
        stop('value must not be less than zero.')
    } else if (action == 'status') {
    } else {
      stop('action ', action, ' not understood.')

counter <- .new_counter()

.run_block <- function(description, block) {
  if (report_description) {
    message(rep(indentation, counter('status')), description)

#' @export
describe <- .run_block

#' @export
context <- .run_block

#' @export
it <- .run_block

And this is how the test file would look like:

expected_driver <- RPostgres::Postgres()

describe('connect', {
  <...other setups...>
  context('with development environment', {
    context('without url', {
      mock_do_call <- mockery::mock('connection')
      mockery::stub(where = connect, what = '', how = mock_do_call, depth = 2)

      it('connects', {
        expect_equal(connect('development'), 'connection')
        call_args <- mockery::mock_args(mock_do_call)
        expect_equal(length(call_args), 1)
        first_call <- call_args[[1]]
        expect_identical(first_call[["what"]], DBI::dbConnect)
            dbname = "r_example_development",
            host = "localhost",
            port = 5432,
            drv = expected_driver
    context('when database url is in environment', {
      context('when url is valid', {
        mock_do_call <- mockery::mock('connection')
        mockery::stub(where = connect, what = '', how = mock_do_call, depth = 2)
        remote_url <- 'postgresql://readonly:secret@'
        Sys.setenv('DATABASE_URL' = remote_url)

        it('connects', {
          expect_equal(connect('development'), 'connection')
          call_args <- mockery::mock_args(mock_do_call)
          expect_equal(length(call_args), 1)
          first_call <- call_args[[1]]
          expect_identical(first_call[["what"]], DBI::dbConnect)
              dbname = "the_production_database",
              host = "",
              port = 9999,
              user = "readonly",
              password = "secret",
              drv = expected_driver
      context('when url is invalid', {
        remote_url <- 'postgresql://this/is/invalid'
        Sys.setenv('DATABASE_URL' = remote_url)

        it('raises error', {

This leads to a full test output like

  with test environment
  with development environment
    without url
    when database url is in environment
      when url is valid
      when url is invalid
        raises error
  with production environment
    when database url is not provided
      raises error
    when database url is in environment
      when url is valid
      when url is invalid
        raises error
test_database.R...............   19 tests OK 0.6s
All ok, 19 results (0.6s)

Process finished with exit code 0

It would also be cool to snapshot the failed test before an it call and append [FAILED] if the number if failed tests changes during the execution of the block. That makes it very easy to visually grasp what is going wrong.

What do you think about an addition like that? There are many more features that rspec has, e.g. variables/calls that are lazy and can be defined for a whole context for a base setup but that can be overwritten in single occasions, but this might be a first start if this is something you'd consider.

markvanderloo commented 1 year ago

Hi there, thanks for the extensive explanation!

In the example there is a test declaration in the form of a function call spanning 61 lines. As someone not used to this framework, that is a lot harder to edit and understand than a short sequence of imperative programming statements. This means it would probably hamper learnability of tinytest.

Moreover, one of the core design ideas of tinytest is that a test script is just an R script that should be runnable with source (or run_test_file). So I feel this is out of scope for tinytest.