markwal / OctoPrint-GPX

An OctoPrint plug-in to use GPX as the protocol layer underneath rather than replacing g-code to talk to s3g/x3g machines, for example, a FlashForge.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Bed control always off #51

Open GyulaMasa opened 6 years ago

GyulaMasa commented 6 years ago


I have a CTC bizer 3D printer with dual heads. I am running OctoPi on aRaspberry Pi 3 B. My current problem is, that the heated bed temperature always switches back to "off", what ever I do. The print starts, however due to the cold bed, the PLA does not stick to the surface, and the head picks the first layer up, to a blob. The printer otherwise works when attached to my PC. I installed the GPX plugin, I installed Cura (V15.04.6) onto my PC. I have set up the configuration file for Cura (using PLA, nozzle temp 220C, bed temp 70C). I exported the file, as written, and imported it to Octopi. I also tried to print GCode file, instead of an .stl, but the bed temperature still stays off. (I checked the Gcode in a text editor, but it looks like the bed temp is not set there) Usually, I try first with a Google search, but I did not really find any relevant information so far. Thank you very much!

markwal commented 6 years ago

To figure this out, I think I'll need a serial log (it's off by default, you turn it on in Octoprint settings). Or at least copy and paste the relevant bit from the terminal window.

GyulaMasa commented 6 years ago

Hi Mark,

Please find the part of serial log below! There were some error messages inside, exactly, where the platform should have been heated up. I took the liberty to remove most of the report, and also to re-edit the file in order to not to be a heap of characters.


(I removed the initial heat-up phase and after the error messages, the actual prrint reports.) However, I recognised, that the command, I added to the "begin script" section had a typo (M140 70 T0, instead the M140 S70 T0) I fixed it. However, the same error message is visible again. 2nd.serial.log.short.formed.txt It seems, that for some reason the platform considered non-existent. Also, what is again quite strange, that during print the PLA nozzle temp is set to 220C, however both CURA setting AND Octoprint setting are 250C. (Meanwhile I found out, that there is also a "start gcode inCura, that had 220C set for nozzle temp. I chamged it to 250C and added the platform heating code too, -> Nozzle temp is now 250C, but platform still does not heat up.) I hope, this will help you to find out!

GyulaMasa commented 6 years ago

OK, I tried one more thing: I generated a gcode file from Makerbot desktop, since I can control the platform from that SW. This is the beginning of the gcode, generated by MakerBot Desktop: M136 (enable build progress) M73 P0 G162 X Y F2000(home XY axes maximum) G161 Z F900(home Z axis minimum) G92 X0 Y0 Z-5 A0 B0 (set Z to -5) G1 Z0.0 F900(move Z to '0') G161 Z F100(home Z axis minimum) M132 X Y Z A B (Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis) G92 X152 Y75 Z0 A0 B0 G1 X-112 Y-73 Z150 F3300.0 (move to waiting position) G130 X20 Y20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating) M109 S70 T0 M134 T0 M135 T0 M104 S245 T0 M133 T0 G130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults) ; Makerbot Industries ; Miracle Grue 3.9.4 ; This file contains digital fabrication directives ; in G-Code format for your 3D printer ; ; ; Right Toolhead Weight (grams): 8.27297 ; Right Toolhead Distance (mm): 2711.46 ; Duration: 3644.19 seconds ; Active extruders in print: 0 ; Chunk 0 ; Lower Position 0 ; Upper Position 0.1 ; Thickness 0.1 ; Width 0.4

I recognised the following: The command for setting the bed temperature is M109 S70 T0, instead of M140 S70 T0. I changed the "startcode" section in Cura accordingly, exported the .ini file, and imported to Octopi. I started again a print, but is seems, it has the same failure: (part from the serial log:) 2017-10-17 21:31:39,511 - Send: N6 M109 T0 S250.051 2017-10-17 21:31:39,513 - Recv: ok 2017-10-17 21:31:39,514 - Recv: // echo: (line 6) Semantic warning: M109 cannot select non-existant heated build platform 2017-10-17 21:31:39,515 - Send: N7 M109 T1 S250.051 2017-10-17 21:31:39,516 - Recv: ok 2017-10-17 21:31:39,520 - Recv: // echo: (line 7) Semantic warning: T1 cannot select non-existant extruder 2017-10-17 21:31:39,521 - Send: N8 T050 2017-10-17 21:31:39,521 - Recv: // echo: (line 7) Semantic warning: M109 cannot select non-existant heated build platform 2017-10-17 21:31:39,522 - Recv: ok 2017-10-17 21:31:39,524 - Send: N9 M190 S70.072 2017-10-17 21:31:39,526 - Recv: ok 2017-10-17 21:31:39,527 - Recv: // echo: (line 9) Semantic warning: M190 cannot select non-existant heated build platform 2017-10-17 21:31:39,528 - Send: N10 M136 (enable build)*96

This is my Cura "start" code: G92 X0 Y0 Z-5 A0 B0 (set Z to -5) G1 Z0.0 F{travel_speed}(move Z to '0') G161 Z F100(home Z axis minimum) M132 X Y Z A B (Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis) G92 X152 Y72 Z0 A0 B0 G1 X-141 Y-74 Z40 F{travel_speed} (move to waiting position) G130 X20 Y20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating) M109 S70 T0; Set bed temperature o 70C M134 T0 ; Wait bed temp to stabilize M135 T0 M104 S250 T0 ; Set nozzle temp to 250C M133 T0 G130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)

This is the generated Gcode file beginning: ;Generated from xyzCalibration_cube.stl d316cc8422b4622151bc32fe2910f6a8731736bb ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 15.04.6 M140 S70.0 M104 T1 S250.0 M109 T0 S250.0 M109 T1 S250.0 T0 M190 S70.0

M136 (enable build) M73 P0 G162 X Y F2000(home XY axes maximum) G161 Z F900(home Z axis minimum) G92 X0 Y0 Z-5 A0 B0 (set Z to -5) G1 Z0.0 F7200(move Z to '0') G161 Z F100(home Z axis minimum) M132 X Y Z A B (Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis) G92 X152 Y72 Z0 A0 B0 G1 X-141 Y-74 Z40 F7200 (move to waiting position) G130 X20 Y20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating) M109 S70 T0; Set bed temperature o 70C M134 T0 ; Wait bed temp to stabilize M135 T0 M104 S250 T0 ; Set nozzle temp to 250C M133 T0 G130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults) ; Sliced ?filename? at: Tue 17-10-2017 21:31:31 ; Basic settings: Layer height: 0.1 Walls: 2 Fill: 20 ; Print time: ?print_time? ; Filament used: ?filament_amount?m ?filament_weight?g ; Filament cost: ?filament_cost? M73 P0; ; -- end of START GCODE --

;Layer count: 198 ;LAYER:0 M107 G0 F7200 X11.400 Y11.400 Z0.300 ;TYPE:SKIRT

markwal commented 6 years ago

Ah. You have "Replicator 2" set as your printer type in GPX settings perhaps? You should set it to "Replicator 1 Dual" .

A rep2 doesn't have a heated platform and only one nozzle.

Also, if you are using Cura, you should have the flavor set to Reprap and don't use Makerbot desktops start gcode.

GyulaMasa commented 6 years ago

Hi Mark,

My GPX setting is: Machine type: Replicator 1 - dual extruder Gcode Flavor: RepRap Recalc build progress is YES Ditto priinting is NO Filament value is 1.75mm for both and no extrusion recalculation When I print, I upload .stl files, and slice them by Octoprint with the Cura imported .ini files. In cure, there are two RepRap settings:

Thank you for the help!



2017-10-18 17:21 GMT+02:00 Mark Walker

Ah. You have "Replicator 2" set as your printer type in GPX settings perhaps? You should set it to "Replicator 1 Dual" .

A rep2 doesn't have a heated platform and only one nozzle.

Also, if you are using Cura, you should have the flavor set to Reprap and don't use Makerbot desktops start gcode.

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markwal commented 6 years ago

Volumetric won't work very well unless you also fake some volume to linear translation by setting nominal and actual to do the multiplication for you.

GyulaMasa commented 6 years ago

OK, Then I will not try! Now it seems to be working. However, now both extruders are heated up to 250C... I will figure out, hogy to disable it.

Thanky anyways! Gyula

2017-10-18 19:31 GMT+02:00 Mark Walker

Volumetric won't work very well unless you also fake some volume to linear translation by setting nominal and actual to do the multiplication for you.

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GyulaMasa commented 6 years ago

HI Mark,

Now I have I/O error, and the print stops unexpectedly...

Unexpected error while writing to serial port: IOError: '[Errno 5] Input/output error' @ monitoring state from 'Printing' to 'Offline: IOError: '[Errno 5] Input/output error' @'Connection closed, closing down monitor

I updated Octoprint today to the latest version. However I cannot tell, what causes this issue...


2017-10-18 19:50 GMT+02:00 Gyula Masa

OK, Then I will not try! Now it seems to be working. However, now both extruders are heated up to 250C... I will figure out, hogy to disable it.

Thanky anyways! Gyula

2017-10-18 19:31 GMT+02:00 Mark Walker

Volumetric won't work very well unless you also fake some volume to linear translation by setting nominal and actual to do the multiplication for you.

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mralph03 commented 5 years ago

I'm having a similar problem. I've run my OctoPi for years now, and I didn't change any settings. One day I printed a model with no problems, and the following day the print failed with a line 14 semantics error, claiming there was no heated print bed for the M140 command.

I checked for updates, moved from the stable build to the maintenance build, checked the build plate function directly on the machine (heats fine), and printed with the build plate disabled in my slicer (prints fine through OctoPi).

What has changed that would suddenly cause the OctoPi to stop recognizing my build plate?

markwal commented 5 years ago

Typically it is because the printer type setting has been reset to Replicator 2. This can happen if the gpx.ini gets corrupted or deleted. There was an instance a few months ago that this happened due to an underlying change in one of the packages that octoprint relies on, but you may have tripped over a different case

markwal commented 5 years ago

Typically it is because the printer type setting has been reset to Replicator 2. This can happen if the gpx.ini gets corrupted or deleted. There was an instance a few months ago that this happened due to an underlying change in one of the packages that octoprint relies on, but you may have tripped over a different case

markwal commented 5 years ago

Typically it is because the printer type setting has been reset to Replicator 2. This can happen if the gpx.ini gets corrupted or deleted. There was an instance a few months ago that this happened due to an underlying change in one of the packages that octoprint relies on, but you may have tripped over a different case

mralph03 commented 5 years ago

I did check that setting, and it's always been on Replicator 1 (Dual) as long as I've used it. Incidentally, I didn't notice last I set it that there is a FF Creator Pro option, which is what I have. I used this machine definition and it appears to recognize the machine bed.

So my problem is gone, if not solved.