markwal / OctoPrint-GPX

An OctoPrint plug-in to use GPX as the protocol layer underneath rather than replacing g-code to talk to s3g/x3g machines, for example, a FlashForge.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Machine Definition settings don't take effect until next connection #89

Open thebeline opened 3 years ago

thebeline commented 3 years ago

See #74 where I hijacked a thread. My b.

Issue is I seem to be having some issues with Machine Definition not persisting or updating steps/mm when re-printing my test cube.

I uploaded a 20x20x20 cube in gcode, found my steps were off, so I adjusted the Machine Definition and re-printed, they were still the same off.

I said to heck with it, HALVED the Y-Axis, reprinted, still the same.

So I moved on, uploaded a new STL, went to print, and wouldn't you know it, the Y-Axis was halved...

So I deleted and re-uploaded the cube, printed, Y was halved. At this moment I am fixing the steps/mm back to the values I had calculated, and I am gong to re-print the cube. If they are still halved, I will delete and re-upload and see what happens.


thebeline commented 3 years ago

Re-Printing the same file did not show my changes, however, rebooting the Pi (the whole system) and re-printing did.

It occurs to me now that the time my changes (the bad ones) were reflected, was when I had to restart OctoPi due to #88.

markwal commented 3 years ago

So, if I understand correctly:


Result: Machine settings not reflected. However:


Result: Machine settings are reflected

If so, then I think what is happening is that machine definition settings are only picked up when the printer is connected.

thebeline commented 3 years ago

Hmmm... Sounds about right. Maybe trigger a disconnect after Machine Definition is saved? Force a reconnect? Or use the feature OctoPrint does when it says "Settings require a restart", I mean, it is fairly common, it would not ruffle my feathers at all.