markwylde / workerbox

A secure sandbox to execute untrusted user JavaScript, in a web browser, without any risk to your own domain/site/page.
MIT License
124 stars 3 forks source link

This library injects a link to #27

Open silesky opened 2 weeks ago

silesky commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for writing this library -- very cool! Unfortunately, the fact that it injects a link to wherever is used is problematic (if it was published under GPL, that might make more sense, rather than MIT). Can we turn this off?

markwylde commented 2 weeks ago

I think this link could be removed if it's running on the same domain.

I put that link in there, because if you're running the server in another domain then it will appear in the network tab and people might not understand why.

In theory, it doesn't even need to be a link, but I wanted to avoid putting a bunch of explanation text in there as it would increase the page load.

The MIT license has less restrictions than the GPL, so I'm not sure what that would solve. However, happy to dual license if you would prefer GPL.

clibequilibrium commented 1 week ago

I think this link could be removed if it's running on the same domain.

I put that link in there, because if you're running the server in another domain then it will appear in the network tab and people might not understand why.

In theory, it doesn't even need to be a link, but I wanted to avoid putting a bunch of explanation text in there as it would increase the page load.

The MIT license has less restrictions than the GPL, so I'm not sure what that would solve. However, happy to dual license if you would prefer GPL.

Thank you four your work. Totally unrelated to the OP topic , but I am using workerbox in a collaborative web platform where users can write extensions for 3D experiences. Do you happen to see any potential drawbacks using a web worker + iframe per plugin / extension ? My use case is kind of Figma but for 3D so workerbox does look like the perfect use case.
