markziemann / dee2

Digital Expression Explorer 2 (DEE2): a repository of uniformly processed RNA-seq data
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 7 forks source link

Bug when dropping short read in a pair #1

Closed markziemann closed 7 years ago

markziemann commented 7 years ago

The following error happens when one read of the pair is very short, and is excluded from the analysis. The remaining read should be reassigned but the renaming isn't working.

+ rm ERR1157768_2_fastqc.html
++ sed -n 2~4p ERR1157768_2.fastq
++ awk '{print length($1)}'
++ sort -g
++ head -1
++ sed -n 2~4p ERR1157768_2.fastq
++ awk '{print length($1)}'
++ numaverage -M
++ sed -n 2~4p ERR1157768_2.fastq
++ awk '{print length($1)}'
++ sort -gr
++ head -1
+ [[ 61 -lt 20 ]]
+ [[ 61 -ge 20 ]]
+ [[ 4 -lt 20 ]]
+ rm ERR1157768_2.fastq
++ echo ERR1157768_1.fastq
++ sed s/_1//
+ FQ1NEW=ERR1157768.fastq
+ mv ERR1157768_1.fastq ERR1157768.fastq
+ FQ1=ERR1157768.fastq
+ [[ 61 -lt 20 ]]
+ echo ERR1157768 if colorspace, then quit
ERR1157768 if colorspace, then quit
+ '[' FALSE == TRUE ']'
+ echo ERR1157768 Dump the fastq file
ERR1157768 Dump the fastq file
+ rm ERR1157768.fastq
+ '[' FALSE == FALSE ']'
++ nproc
+ parallel-fastq-dump --threads 32 --outdir . --split-files --defline-qual + -s ERR1157768.sra
extra args: ['--split-files', '--defline-qual', '+']
spots: 87215
tempdir: /tmp/pfd_1hhcfnh6

du: cannot access 'ERR1157768.fastq': No such file or directory
+ echo ERR1157768 file size 0
+ tee -a ERR1157768.log
ERR1157768 file size 0
+ rm ERR1157768.sra
+ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ echo ERR1157768 has no reads. Aborting
+ tee -a ERR1157768.attempts.txt
ERR1157768 has no reads. Aborting
markziemann commented 7 years ago

Has been fixed in the latest commit.


Final metrics look really good

QualityEncoding: Read1MinimumLength:61 Read1MedianLength:61 Read1MaxLength:61 Read2MinimumLength:4 Read2MedianLength:4 Read2MaxLength:4 NumReadsTotal:614206 NumReadsQcPass:360448 QcPassRate:58.6852% PE_Read1_StarMapRateTest:55 PE_Read2_StarMapRateTest:NA PE_Read1_Excluded:FALSE PE_Read2_Excluded:FALSE MappingFormat:SE STAR_UniqMappedReads:332923 STAR_Strandedness:PositiveStrand STAR_UnmappedReads:70056 STAR_MultiMappedReads:202252 STAR_NoFeatureReads:111202 STAR_AmbiguousReads:2689 STAR_AssignedReads:219032 STAR_UniqMapRate:92.3637% STAR_AssignRate:60.7666% Kallisto_MappedReads:82675 Kallisto_MapRate:22.9367%