markziemann / gmea

Gene Methylation Enrichment Analysis
MIT License
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Mandy comments on the Shiny app #17

Closed markziemann closed 5 months ago

markziemann commented 5 months ago
  1. I think it could be better if you could have like an question mark or highlight on limma data set word in the description so if the user does not know how the limma data set needs to look like, then he or she can go through a small description before uploading the file. ex: google drive tooltip with button May be you could link the BPROOF limma dataset as an example.

  2. May be also a link a already processed detailed mitch report for anyone who trying to understand the enrichment analysis results. Metafor package has its own website (, I find the website useful when I get stuck in doubts related to meta-analysis or meta regressions. May be Mitch could have a website like that later on.

  3. May be DOWNLOAD HTML REPORT button could be like download enrichment pathway analysis results and give the option to download the results in either PDF or HTML

  4. May be show the progress of the enrichment pathway analysis processing, so that user knows app is not stuck.

5: May be have your contact information in left bottom side so anyone can reach out if they have any questions. Having twitter handle could be useful in sharing the app in social media.

markziemann commented 5 months ago

Thanks Anusuiya for the suggestions. For now we will shelve the shiny app, until we can come up with a solution that is more responsive, and that won't overwhelm our servers.