SCDE ✔ colname="Z" is the Z-score. Scde only compares between cell types. This is not what I'm after, but could include it for completeness.
MAST ✔ colname = "Pr(>Chisq)" is the p value and "coef" is a log fold change. Note that data.table object is converted to normal dataframe before import
scDD ✖ looks like a useful pkg but because it classifies genes as DE, DM, DP, etc it is hard to summarise this into a rnking value
Monocle (v2) ✖ none of these vignettes actually work and there are several different ways to apply it such as trajectory and cluster analysis and the significance values are variable between version and in some cases there is no fold change given so hard to actually figure out the direction of genes. I'll wait to see V3 in bioconductor before adding.
DEsingle ✔ colname = "pvalue" for p-value and "foldChange" for linear fold change. easy.