marleneberke / ORB_project3

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log_ml_estimate at start of loop is -Inf #17

Open marleneberke opened 4 years ago

marleneberke commented 4 years ago

percept 1 log_ml_estimate at start of loop is -Inf ess at start of loop is NaN ts[1] ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{Union{EmptyChoiceMap, Gen.DynamicDSLChoiceMap},1} at index [1] Stacktrace: [1] getindex(::Array{Union{EmptyChoiceMap, Gen.DynamicDSLChoiceMap},1}, ::Int64) at ./array.jl:787 [2] particle_filter(::Int64, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Gen.DynamicDSLChoiceMap, ::Int64) at /Users/marleneberke/Documents/03_Yale/Projects/001_Mask_RCNN/ORB_project3/April_May/inference_Mario_model.jl:187 [3] top-level scope at ./util.jl:308 [inlined] [4] top-level scope at /Users/marleneberke/Documents/03_Yale/Projects/001_Mask_RCNN/ORB_project3/April_May/execute_Mario_model.jl:0 [5] include(::String) at ./client.jl:439

in expression starting at /Users/marleneberke/Documents/03_Yale/Projects/001_Mask_RCNN/ORB_project3/April_May/execute_Mario_model.jl:154

marleneberke commented 4 years ago

This one is new. I think something is going wrong when I'm setting the initial observation because the log_ml_estimate at start of loop is -Inf after the particle filter's state is initialized with the initial observation. From printing the trace for the initial observation, I don't see anything wrong -- it matches the ground truth gt_choices at percept 1. Hmm... @belledon