marleymarl / geotimeline

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Create risk predictor input form / output score component #79

Closed marleymarl closed 4 years ago

marleymarl commented 4 years ago

See attached Random Forest model for predicting max risk of being hospitalized & entering critical care if getting Covid-19 as well as discussion about it here: Add a component PredictorForm.js and route /predictor to MainRouter.js for that component.


marleymarl commented 4 years ago

At first pass I'm thinking 3 child components: (1) Page Header With Status (see attached ant example) that describes what to expect / how to use it and updates a status badge to show progress through the 'wizard'; (2) a q/a form that shows 1 question at a time; depending on previous answer triggers what next question (including ending if arriving at end); (3) A table below that populates a row for each question answered with the answer given. All answers/stats can be stored as a const or in state for now but expect that in the future this data could come in from an API if this data is likely to change over time or change depending on region etc. page-header-status-component

marleymarl commented 4 years ago

We should probably set-up a back-end API with this data so other people can consume it easily. Good issue for geotimeline-backend.

marleymarl commented 4 years ago

I'm realizing as I write this data in that the max likelihood on the 'no admission' predictor is still high (lowest is 13%, highest is 45%)

marleymarl commented 4 years ago

This needs to be broken down into smaller issues like issue #81