marlonfan / coc-phpls

🐭 php language server for coc.nvim
MIT License
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Are there docs anywhere? #103

Open ipsod opened 2 years ago

ipsod commented 2 years ago

Is there any sort of documentation?

I want a list showing how to use each item on the intelephense feature list.

I'll just copy and paste that list here and start filling it in:
edit I just realized this would be better as a section of a vimrc file, but no time to modify right now.

Workspace Symbols

Document Symbols

Go To Definition


Signature Help


Document Highlight

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Document and Range Formatting

Rename -- PREMIUM

Code Folding -- PREMIUM

Find all Implementations -- PREMIUM

Go to Declaration -- PREMIUM

Go to Type Definition -- PREMIUM

Smart Selection -- PREMIUM

PHP Doc Block Generation -- PREMIUM

missing features? Go To References