marlonnardi / JsonToDelphi

generate delphi classes from json (Json To Delphi Class Generator / JSON Data Binding Tool FMX, VCL and uniGUI)
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Problem on convert TList<string> to Json #2

Closed fabriciohausman closed 2 years ago

fabriciohausman commented 2 years ago

There is a problem when convert class with TList property to json. The helper not assign TList property value to TArray variable.


TAttributes = class(TJsonDTO) private FId: Integer; FName: string; [JSONName('options')] FOptionsArray: TArray; [JSONMarshalled(False)] FOptions: TList; FPosition: Integer; FVariation: Boolean; FVisible: Boolean; function GetOptions: TList; procedure SetOptions(const Value: TList); protected function GetAsJson: string; override; published property Id: Integer read FId write FId; property Name: string read FName write FName; property Options: TList read GetOptions; property Position: Integer read FPosition write FPosition; property Variation: Boolean read FVariation write FVariation; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write FVisible; public destructor Destroy; override; end;

... FTest := TAttributes.Create; FTest.Name := 'Teste'; FTest.Options.Add('Value1');


result is:



for To correct i'm need write: FTest.Options.AsJson;

Somebody know if this is a bug or I not implemented right?

marlonnardi commented 2 years ago

Fixed, regenerate the classes from and download the updated class Pkg.Json.DTO.pas