$ cd $(mktemp -d) # Create a temp dir and enter it.
$ ZDOTDIR=$PWD HOME=$PWD zsh -f # Start a subshell in it without config files.
% source path/to/zsh-autocomplete.plugin.zsh # Source the plugin.
% source path/to/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme
After the last update, even in the minimal test case whenever I source the powerlevel10k theme after sourcing zsh-autocomplete I get an empty left side of the prompt. The problem persists even as I press "enter" to go to a new line. Moreover, even by reverting the order of the sourcing, the problem stays: as soon as I source zsh-autocomplete, the prompt disappears.
The problem does not seem to be specific to powelevel10k: it happens also with Starship.
version: 431f3e3220562f1a261278e4af62fac47ae55e21After the last update, even in the minimal test case whenever I source the powerlevel10k theme after sourcing zsh-autocomplete I get an empty left side of the prompt. The problem persists even as I press "enter" to go to a new line. Moreover, even by reverting the order of the sourcing, the problem stays: as soon as I source zsh-autocomplete, the prompt disappears.
The problem does not seem to be specific to powelevel10k: it happens also with Starship.