marlonrichert / zsh-autocomplete

🤖 Real-time type-ahead completion for Zsh. Asynchronous find-as-you-type autocompletion.
MIT License
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Cursor Blinking to New Line on Suggestions #696

Open hye-kim opened 4 months ago

hye-kim commented 4 months ago


% typeset -p1 VENDOR OSTYPE ZSH_PATCHLEVEL _autocomplete__funcfiletrace
typeset VENDOR=ubuntu
typeset OSTYPE=linux-gnu
typeset ZSH_PATCHLEVEL=ubuntu/5.8.1-1
typeset -a _autocomplete__funcfiletrace=(
% git -C ~autocomplete log --oneline -n1
c7b6550 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Add instructions on how to insert longest common prefix

I'm assuming there's something wrong with my machine, but the cursor seems blink out of place rapidly with any new character input until no suggestions are found. I'm using oh-my-zsh on WSL 2. I've tried using just zsh-autocomplete without any other plugins, and have tried other themes, but still getting the same bug. This doesn't happen on my other machine, so I'm not sure what the problem could be.

michaeldebetaz commented 3 months ago

Same issue here with the Windows Terminal in WSL (Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS).

beracira commented 3 months ago

I believe this happens with linux terminals as well, but not to the same degree.

emilnymann commented 1 month ago

Having the same issue with Ubuntu 24.04 and zsh 5.9 through Windows Terminal. It's purely cosmetic but extremely distracting.

emilnymann commented 1 month ago

I switched from Windows Terminal to WezTerm and the issue is gone. Overall the visual experience is a lot smoother actually. The root of this issue seems to be with hos Windows Terminal (and possible other terminal emulators) handle redrawing, because the visual experience is also hugely improved in other terminals applications like Neovim.