marlycormar / imagemap

Painmap REDCap external module
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Data entered on survey disappearing when using @IMAGEMAP action tag (REDCap 9.4.1, Imagemap v1.4.4) #13

Open jcjohnsonmo opened 4 years ago

jcjohnsonmo commented 4 years ago

The issue here is that I had data entered into a survey that was disappearing when I went to the next page. At Rob Taylor's suggestion, I determined that this issue is resolved when the @ImageMap action tag is removed. The screenshots are provided below and the demonstration xml file is available on the REDCap Community page: .

Project Design: I have 2 instruments, Pre and Post. In both instruments, I have an imagemap (@ImageMap=DO_TOUCH_NET_BODY_GREY) and fields for each body region where the severity of the pain is assessed, if the body region is selected on the imagemap. Additionally on the Post instrument, there is a matrix field where the rows show up if the severity on the Post instrument is worse than the severity on the Pre instrument.

Issue: When more than one body region has worse severity, only the first one in the list shows up in the matrix field. Additionally if you return to the previous page on the Post instrument, the severities for the other body regions have disappeared. This behavior only happens in Survey Mode, not Data Entry Mode.

Notes: After many hours of testing, @frgeof and I found how to prevent this from happening. Method 1: Change the survey setting Question Display Format to "All on one page". Method 2: Change the matrix field to separate fields and remove the Section Break. Additionally at Rob Taylor's suggestion, we found that removing the @ImageMap action tag on the Post instrument solves the issue.

S1 S2 S4 S5 S6 S7

marlycormar commented 4 years ago

Hi @ChemiKyle! Can you check out this issue and see if it is still of interested?

ChemiKyle commented 4 years ago


jrpence commented 4 years ago

This issue seems to be caused by the branching logic. With the image map putting the data in a text field, I was repeatedly hit with warnings that fields with values are being hidden and should be erased. If you change the image map to a checkboxes field (with 01-59 as valid answers) and base the branching logic off of those values (ie.For the Face field the logic is [bodymappre(01)] = "1" ) then you will not get hit with the questions every page load. The warning happens if you have data in the body part specific question and then remove that part from the image. It seems that pulling that data out of the text with contains causes the survey to repeat its warnings about clearing the data fields that are “hidden from view”.