marlycormar / imagemap

Painmap REDCap external module
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PainMap image not quite consistent with international definitions #4

Open davwillev opened 5 years ago

davwillev commented 5 years ago


I love the PainMap implementation of ImageMap and think it will be very well utilised by researchers all over the world. However, this is why I thought I should make the programmers aware that the current CHOIR diagrams are not consistent with some of the anatomical regions that have been formally developed and endorsed by international groups of researchers. painmap_male

Here is the agreed region definition for neck pain:

neck pain spatial definition region

You can see that, even when combining multiple regions of the CHOIR image, these regions cannot be defined using the PainMap module. Therefore, many researchers will be put off from using the current implementation, which would be a shame.

Here is the current defining region for low back pain:

back pain spatial definition region

You can see that this low back pain region is a pretty close fit to a combination of those currently used in the CHOIR diagram, but there still needs to be a little bit of adjustment.

Given that the CHOIR maps are under copyright, I'm not sure how best to fix this. Should we amend the current versions (if permission is given), or start afresh?


marlycormar commented 5 years ago

Hi David, thank you for pointing this out! I will check our options and get back to you.

pbchase commented 5 years ago

David, the license to the CHOIR painmaps is not clear to me either. I don't know who has the freedom to modify them. I'm looping in Andy Martin (@123andy) who originally worked with the CHOIR team to make these part of REDCap. He might be able to get you the license you need to make a different, more standards-oriented variation of the painmaps.

All that said, I don't see anything stopping you from creating your own painmaps independent of the CHOIR work. Here are the required steps:

1) Acquire or draw some images showing the standard regions. 2) Use an online web app like to draw the regions on each image. 3) Name the regions in the image map files created in step 2 to conform the standard. 4) Give your maps a meaningful short name 5) Write a 1 sentence description of your image maps 6) Create the block of JSON to add to the modules config.json 7) Optionally write a longer description of your image map. This might be important to explain what standards they conform to and the kind of data they will store in REDCap.

There's some technical work to integrate all of these pieces into the existing module, but that is much less time consuming than the steps above.

If you want someone to help with the technical work, we are available for hire if you have funds.

davwillev commented 5 years ago

Hi @pbchase et al

Thanks for your reply. Plenty of pain drawings / maps / manniquins have previously been developed. This one is from 1986!

screenshot 2019-02-01 at 19 55 20

However, what is somewhat original with the CHOIR drawings is the gender choice and equivalence of regions - I've not seen this before, and it is very easy to implement a choice in RECap based on an earlier question for preferred gender identity. The CHOIR images also rightly include a separate region covering each major joint (knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle, etc.)

I'm keen that these agreed definitions are implemented in tools like this so that we encourage studies to produce comparable data. If we can modify the current CHOIR images, that would be great. If not, I'm happy to try to produce new images, but would need help with stage 6 (I have no idea how to do that). Oh, and I'm doing this unfunded, in a small attempt to make the world a better place...

Best wishes,
