Closed ThomasLohner closed 8 years ago
Error: Could not find dependency Package[php5] for File[/etc/php/mods-available//zendguard.ini] at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-71137ce4f05df0cecedd75488ca19905/vmsetup/manifests/zendguardloader.pp:19
This is because of a change in modules/vmsetup/manifests/php.pp. Packages are now referenced with a variable. This change has appeared in
package { [ "php-pear", "$php_prefix", "$php_prefix-common", "$php_prefix-cli", "$php_prefix-curl", "$php_prefix-dev", "$php_prefix-gd", "$php_prefix-intl", "$php_prefix-mcrypt", "$php_prefix-recode" ]: ensure => latest, notify => Service["httpd"], require => [ Exec["apt_update"], Package["httpd"] ] }
But the require in zendguardloader.pp and ioncubeloader.pp is still hardcoded to "php5":
file { "$conf_path/zendguard.ini": ensure => present, content => "; priority=99 zend_extension=$mod_path/ zend_loader.enable=1 zend_loader.disable_licensing=0", notify => Service["httpd"], require => [ Package["php5"], File["$mod_path"] ] }
Error: Could not find dependency Package[php5] for File[/etc/php/mods-available//zendguard.ini] at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/modules-71137ce4f05df0cecedd75488ca19905/vmsetup/manifests/zendguardloader.pp:19
This is because of a change in modules/vmsetup/manifests/php.pp. Packages are now referenced with a variable. This change has appeared in
But the require in zendguardloader.pp and ioncubeloader.pp is still hardcoded to "php5":