Describe Container
it should retrieve IP of a started container
it should retrieve it first port
it should stop the container when calling clean
it should waits for dependencies
it should pull a distant image
it should tell if a container is running
it should not start a running container
it should start a non running container
it should return custom value
it should return default custom value
it should tell if the container is managed by gaudi
it should tell if the container has before script
Describe containerCollection
it should merge 2 collection of container
it should initialize all containers
it should return a container by it's name
it should start all container
it should rebuild all container when calling start with rebuild = true
it should stop all container
it should check if the collection is not empty
Describe gaudi
it should raise an error when the YAML is not correct
it should throw an error when the configuration is not correct
it should return all applications
it should create containers from a configuration file
it should clean & build containers
it should start containers by order of dependencies
it should user docker ps to check if all containers are started
it should kill & remove all containers when calling clean
it should pull base image if needed
it should retrieve template if needed
it should copy all required files
it should clean & build binaries
Describe util
it should tell if a resource is a directory
it should tell if a resource is a file
it should return information about a file
it should copy a file to another location
Describe functional tests
it should start apache
it should start apache & PHP-FPM with links
it should start varnish with 2 front servers
it should start nginx with 3 front servers
it should start mysql with 2 slaves
it should start an ambassador when needed
Use Ginkgo to rewrite tests :