Given an entity where the REST backend will return 400 "cannot delete due to xyz" for a "DELETE" request
When I view the "edit" page for that entity
And I click the "delete" button
And I click "Yes" to "are you sure?"
Then I should see an error banner including "cannot delete due to xyz"
# this passes now (and fails before these changes)
Given an entity where the REST backend will return 400 "cannot delete due to xyz" for a "DELETE" request
When I view the "list" page for that entity tytpe
And I select that entity
And I click the "delete" button
And I click "Yes" to "are you sure?"
Then I should see an error banner including "cannot delete due to xyz"
# this still fails due to item #3
# I see a success banner
This is a fix for items 1 & 2 described at
It does not fix item 3.
New test results: