marmelab / react-admin

A frontend Framework for single-page applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using TypeScript, React and Material Design
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ra-navigation <AppLocationContext> breaks resources show and edit #7810

Closed wayheyha closed 2 years ago

wayheyha commented 2 years ago

What you were expecting: I can open the show/edit view of a ressource without an "element does not exist" notification and an redirect back to the list view.

What happened instead: If you have an layout wrapped inside an AppLocationContext-Component from the ra-navigation package following happens if you try to go to the edit or show view of an ressource:

  1. The edit/show view is rendered, the reload icon on the appbar is spinning
  2. you will be redirected to the list view, notification "element does not exist" is displayed.

What i found out so far: When the AppLocationContext is used following happens: Show-Button of a ressource is clicked -> the dataproviders getList is called -> query.js "Missing queryFn" error is triggered -> the getOne method is called.

Without the usage of the AppLocationContext only the getOne method is called and everything works fine.

Steps to reproduce:

Related code:

// in src/App.js
import * as React from "react";
import {render} from "react-dom";
import {Admin, Resource, ListGuesser, EditGuesser, Layout} from 'react-admin';
import jsonServerProvider from 'ra-data-json-server';
import {
} from "@react-admin/ra-navigation";

const MyLayout = ({children,}) => {
    return (
            <Layout {}>
                    <ResourceBreadcrumbItems />

const dataProvider = jsonServerProvider('');

    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} layout={MyLayout}>
        <Resource name="users" list={ListGuesser} edit={EditGuesser}/>
insert short code snippets here

Other information:


Guessed List:

import { Datagrid, EmailField, List, TextField } from 'react-admin';

export const UserList = () => (
        <Datagrid rowClick="edit">
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="name" />
            <TextField source="username" />
            <EmailField source="email" />
            <TextField source="address.street" />
            <TextField source="phone" />
            <TextField source="website" />
            <TextField source="" />
); [index.js:30:2416](webpack:///node_modules/ra-ui-materialui/dist/esm/index.js)
Guessed Edit:

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';

export const UserEdit = () => (
            <TextInput source="id" />
            <TextInput source="name" />
            <TextInput source="username" />
            <TextInput source="email" />
            <TextInput source="address.street" />
            <TextInput source="phone" />
            <TextInput source="website" />
            <TextInput source="" />
); [index.js:7:2267](webpack:///node_modules/ra-ui-materialui/dist/esm/index.js)
Missing queryFn [query.js:356:19](webpack:///node_modules/react-query/es/core/query.js)
    onError query.js:356
    reject retryer.js:67
    run retryer.js:132
Guessed List:

import { Datagrid, EmailField, List, TextField } from 'react-admin';

export const UserList = () => (
        <Datagrid rowClick="edit">
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="name" />
            <TextField source="username" />
            <EmailField source="email" />
            <TextField source="address.street" />
            <TextField source="phone" />
            <TextField source="website" />
            <TextField source="" />

Content of package.json:

    "private": true,
    "scripts": {
        "dev": "npm run development",
        "development": "mix",
        "watch": "mix watch",
        "watch-poll": "mix watch -- --watch-options-poll=1000",
        "hot": "mix watch --hot",
        "prod": "npm run production",
        "production": "mix --production"
    "devDependencies": {
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        "@mui/icons-material": "^5.2.5",
        "@mui/material": "^5.8.3",
        "@react-admin/ra-enterprise": "^6.0.0",
        "@react-admin/ra-navigation": "^4.0.0",
        "@react-admin/ra-rbac": "^4.0.0",
        "final-form": "^4.20.7",
        "prop-types": "^15.7.2",
        "query-string": "^7.1.0",
        "ra-core": "^4.1.3",
        "ra-data-json-server": "^4.1.2",
        "ra-data-simple-rest": "^4.1.2",
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        "ra-language-german": "^3.13.5",
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        "react-query": "^3.39.1"
slax57 commented 2 years ago


Thanks for this report.

Please know that this issue has been fixed with ra-navigation v4.0.4 (already available), and will also be included in the upcoming ra-enterprise v6.0.3 (soon to be released).

Besides, please note that this issue tracker is for the community version of react-admin only.

If you are a pro member, you can reach the Enterprise Support Desk by writing an email at